Espavo Empowerment Series
The Reconnection

Originally Channeled June 2023

Online Event

Are you feeling like the world is faster paced, and somehow just different from how it used to be?

Have you found that the things that you used to enjoy, you don’t enjoy as much anymore?

Are you feeling more separated and alone and well, a little disconnected from everything?

If you are, we want you to know you are not alone.

There is so much that has happened on planet earth over the last few years, Covid 19, strange and dangerous weather patterns, division among people and countries, to name a few.

We are currently witnessing the explosion of technology. The core of the earth herself has stopped spinning, changing her energy greatly. And a global portal is now open and will be until late August.

Humans have moved from the 3rd dimension to the 5th and find themselves in unfamiliar territory.

There are so many changes taking place right now that it is hard to stay connected to anything. Even your own physical body may be showing signs of these changes. Lightworkers globally are having a difficult time connecting and grounding in their normal ways.

As a result, the group will bring us two days of 5th dimensional reconnection. This two-day event will be filled with exercises for reconnecting as well as multiple activations throughout to help your spirit ground in the 5th dimensional world we now live in.

These two online channeled events will help you to:

  • Feel more comfortable and connected to everything.

  • Establish a new connection to your physical body.

  • Strengthen the energetic field around your body allowing for better manifestation.

  • Increase your sexual energy and put the sparkle back in your eyes.

  • Strengthen relationships or attract new ones.

  • Put you back on the path to experience your passion.

For the past 28 years, Steve Rother and “The group”, (Angelic entities from the Family of Michael), have been offering wise and timely information in seminars and lectures around the world as well as a variety of online events and workshops.

Steve Rother has presented seminars in 21 countries and has been a five-time presenter at the United Nations on two continents. His books have been translated into 18 languages. They include Spiritual Psychology, the 12 primary life lessons, Crossing the Veil and Re-member.

Watch it live at 11am Pacific or watch it anytime thereafter.