The Beacons of Light
Re-minders from Home
Beacons of Light November 2018
Presented Live 10/27/2018
NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Below is an edited version of the same channel designed for print. These were edited with the group’s oversight and approval. I hope you enjoy them. Steve Rother
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Greetings from Home,
I’m Elrah of rhythmic service. I’ve come to join you today to take you on a journey and tell you a little bit about the next several months ahead on planet Earth. The first four months of 2019 are going to be huge for all of humanity, because you have an opportunity to layout the general direction for the next 20 years. Now, does that mean that you can’t change things after re-setting the course? Yes, dear ones, you can change things at any time you like. You can shift a lot of energy, for you’re on the planet to free choice. Yet there are openings and energetic time frames that are superior for making some of these changes that you’ve always wanted to make. Now, I will tell you what is happening from the larger aspect of things. You’re probably all wondering what is going on in this world, especially what has happened to your politics and governments.
Many of these energies are in a very big shift right now, as if somebody took the rug out from under you and shook everything up a bit too much. Well, that had to happen in order to take these next steps. Keep in mind, dear ones, it isn’t about fixing everything. It’s about mastering everything that comes into your field. You’ve got more things than you can probably juggle at one time. But you’re doing better with it than you think. You’re here to make a difference and you’ve already made a huge one. Dear ones, the first four months of 2019 will be critical for a lot of you, and you’ll have a lot of personal things changing.
2019 Side Roads
Some of you will have doors open, others will have doors closed a bit. For the most part, you will have an opportunity to step into an entirely new realm, a whole new way of thinking in a new energy. It will be much more to your liking, and in greater harmony with you. Now, dear ones, you’re still here at the end times when there’s likely to be a lot of challenges on your planet. However, it doesn’t always mean that you must be right in the midst of it. There are places you can be, opportunities you can put yourself into, and boundaries that you can set for what you will take into your world and what you won’t. All of those are not only possible but very definable, especially right now. So that’s why we’d like you to be thinking about what your role will be stepping into 2019.
What will it feel like for you to step in fully awakened with all your creative abilities? Well, it’s quite an interesting process. We can’t imagine all the things that you’ve created out of your boredom. It is time to look ahead and start to see the larger picture. Between now until late April 2019, doors will open that will set the momentum for the next 20 years. It’s a great time to get creative and set that dream into motion.
“Am I really doing what I came here to do?” Well, there might be a few adjustments that you can make in the coming months to align yourself for this period in early 2019. It will be very critical for a lot of people to set their energy for what is to come. You have a lot of changes going on, but re-member you can change your path at any time. It’s very simple. What do you want to be a part of? How do you want to help? Where do you want to be in 15 years? That’s really what it’s going to amount to and it’s quite fascinating. Some of you are thinking the water is going to rise. We tell you this: things will take place on planet Earth, and while some events are expected others are not. Changes will become more intense, so we are asking you to think about where you wish to be as these changes advance.
The reality is that you have come in with a unique part of the puzzle. Yes, you will be called into service at some point; you may know it, or you may not. Between now and the first four months of 2019 is the perfect time to re-position yourself. It may be moving to a new location, or it may be starting that business that you have wanted to. Perhaps it will be writing that book you wanted to write. This is the time to re-position yourself for the next phase of the game. Yes, some of you will want to go to the mountains and protect yourselves. Others will end up putting themselves right in the middle of the change, as this is where their puzzle piece fits best. Many of you will want to be there in the right place and time, because you have contracts that will start unfolding. You may have the opportunity to help someone and you may not even realize it. But perhaps that person may have played some very critical points in your present life and in previous lifetimes. You will have many opportunities for people to come to you for things. It maybe a completion for you, although something you’re not familiar with at all. Over time as this comes to you, you’ll have opportunities to clear things both forward and backward.
Spiral Time
You are now in spiral time, which is quite a bit different than what you are used to. It will take some time for people to fully understand the concepts. Dear ones, you can see much more of your past within your future right now. Most of the collective is looking at the past, for they haven’t learned to look in the future yet. Now we’re going to show you that one, too. We are going to have you working with that one quickly, because it is coming for all of humanity. Now that you’ve moved into spiral time you may have noticed the changes. You’ll feel it first on the outside edges of consciousness and over time you will tune it into your core vibration.
Over the next couple of months if you have the positioning that you need to put yourself in that place, we ask you to start doing it. It’s time to make those moves, grasp your reality and start using it. Just a few moments ago that the Keeper was answering a question about depression on your planet and he was talking about getting tools in place. One of them that he mentioned was cleaning out the garage. We hope he heard that himself! Whatever is needed to grasp your reality, to set up your surroundings and to support who you really are. That’s going to be very important during these times. These next few months especially will happen quickly and be rather critical. Some of you will find out you have gifts that you may not have known about.
The Next E Wave Is on the Way
Some of you have specific contracts to fulfil, things that you’re going to do in ways that you can work with other people. But I tell you, dear ones, you’re all quite magic! The timing is perfect for a lot of your awakening currently. Many members of the family of E are in their infancy right now. Because so many are babies right now, you don’t feel all their support. Trust that they are here, and you will feel the connection whether you have children or not. You’ll feel that base support shifting. Instead of fighting and arguing to take this side or that, you can start coming back together as humans who have only pretended to be separate.
Seeing Your Lives with Contrast
It is very difficult to see you from here, almost as if you can only see one side of a person at a time. That’s a natural pull out of the polarity of the third dimension. As you start pulling things away, people take hold of them saying, “No, I don’t need that now.” Or “I want that instead, that’s how I live my life.” Yes, you have some very interesting things that have taken place. You’ve loaned your money to your political systems and now they’ve nearly taken control. We’ll see how well you can pull that power back and make your voice heard. We also tell you that it’s part of the changes that are taking place everywhere. Don’t feel depressed if you don’t get your way with something, and trust that your voices will be heard in a different way.
Feeling Lost?
Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t see exactly where you’re supposed to go. That has all started to shift, as you will see over the next several months. The veil will move aside for just a moment. Then you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of where you’re supposed to be, and you’ll re-member what you had in mind when you came here, because you’ve all come with very specific purpose.
Although the energy moves in your way, sometimes you have a contract to work with that energy, to change and shift it to anchor it somewhere. So, look for those opportunities that are coming. We’re so proud of you. You’ve come at just the right time. You simply must grasp what it is you’re doing, then ask for that next piece and walk through it. You’re the masters of the game board, dear ones, you are awakening from the dream.
It’s with the greatest of honour that we greet you in this way. We ask you to treat each other with respect. Of course, nurture one another at every opportunity. You can play with rhythm a bit, too. It’s going to be fun! Enjoy the journey and play well together.
I am Elrah of rhythmic service.
The group
~Connecting the Heart~
By Barbara Rother
Time for Thanks
Here in our part of the world we are preparing for our holiday of Thanksgivings. This is a time when we gather with friends and family celebrating our blessings with wonderful meals and taking the time to give thanks. Our family has a tradition as we gather around the dinner table. Before we begin to enjoy our meal we hold hands and one by one gives thanks. I often tease the family that our prepared feast will be cold by the time we eat because we all have so much to be thankful for. This tradition gives us the opportunity to appreciate each other and our many blessings.
It is important to take the time to give thanks throughout the year. Instead of focusing on the negative of the world situations, celebrate the good in our world. Steve and I were sitting watching the devastating news of the recent fires in California. Our hearts were saddened by the loss so many people have been experiencing. We looked at each other and expressed how grateful we were to have our beautiful home and family. Focusing on the positive opens up the space to create more of the joy that can be ours if we accept that creation. Negativity will attract more of the same. I know we cannot live in a world of happiness all the time. We move through the challenges hopefully with the love and support of others. Although hard times seem to consume our life, they do eventually pass. The happy times will return if we live in the flow of life’s progression. It is important not to project the future in what disappointments might lay ahead. It can be human nature to conjure up the worst scenario. Instead take life one step at a time standing with the attitude that you will celebrate the good and learn from the challenges. I free myself from the thoughts that restrict my life. I carefully choose my positive thoughts while allowing the negative ones to be released from my mind. I walk with spiritual confidence with clear intention of my best life.
My dear mother-in-law gave me the words many years ago, we all know, live, love and laugh. Those words made an impression on my early years of discovering who I was. I knew those were words that I would bring into my daily existence. Life can be simply wonderful if we allow it to be. What happens in our life molds us into the person we choose to become.
We all experience problems. They are the life lessons of our existence. We also have so much to be thankful for if we take the time to give gratitude. Understand thedifficulties of others. This allows us to focus outside of our own troubles. Being kind, uplifting and helpful can benefit us all.
I give thanks today and for each tomorrow I am blessed to live.
With love and light,
Espavo is a non-profit conscious corporation dedicated to spreading Light through Empowerment
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