What is a Human Angel?
The phrase Human Angel has been used in literature for thousands of years. The Group has been talking about the evolution of Human Angels only since 1999. In a live channel presented in Eindhoven, Holland, they presented the “7 gifts of the third millennium.” In this message the 5th gift is that we are no longer the only planet of free choice. The Second Planet of Free Choice has begun and is in its own evolutionary time frame.
The Group says that as Angels in Heaven, their own highest purpose is to reflect the magnificence of humans. And that we as Humans are now beginning to evolve into higher vibrational status. The next stop on our evolutionary travels will lead some of us to become Human Angels.
A Human Angel is a person who makes a commitment to be placed by spirit at exactly the right juncture of time and space to make a positive contribution in the life of another human.
The Group is quick to point out that being a Human Angel can be very difficult as you rarely get to see the harvest of the seeds you plant. Also being a Human Angel means being ready to empower without taking responsibility or power from the human you are empowering. Not an easy task, as any Angel will tell you. Yet, making a commitment to be placed into situations where just a kind word, a touch, a smile, or a gift can help a person alter the course of their lives forever. This is the work of a Human Angel.
The Group also states that this is only a temporary post as those who choose the role of Human Angels are actually in training to play the role of Angels to the Second Planet of Free Choice.
The Three Questions asked of all Human Angels
From a live channel presented in Oostmalle, Belgium Oct 2002.
1. Are you willing to place yourself first?
Placing yourself first in all things is the only way in which one can do the work of a Human Angel while keeping balance. In the higher vibrations of the New Planet Earth, your first consideration as a facilitator is to work without taking power from those you are facilitating. This can be a difficult balance and not an easy task. Even with the best intentions, if you are not fully centered in your own energy, attempting to help another can drain you and enable poor habits with the one you are attempting to help. Find first your own energy and have the courage to place yourself first in all considerations.
2. Do you choose to make a commitment to be a Human Angel?
This is a commitment to spirit saying that you will allow yourself to be positioned at the perfect juncture of time and space to make a difference in someone’s life. You may know them or you may not. Trusting spirit to place you at the perfect place means that you must be balanced to begin with. Upon making this commitment one must understand that all events taking place in their life from that point onward, may not be taken personally. From this point onward spirit will move you into position. Finding ways to plant seeds of empowerment will be your highest intent as a Human Angel.
3. Will you promise to walk in Grace whenever possible?
Walking in Grace means making every step in your life in full conscious connection with all things around you. The illusion of polarity would make one think that they are separate from everything. Walking in Grace means expressing Unity consciousness in every step that you take.
Please take these questions in the Light, rather than lightly.
Download your Human Angel sign and add it to your photo. Right click on the image and save it in your computer. Share it on your social media or your website as a reflection that you are indeed a Human Angel.