Timeline Healing

Timeline Healing

June 19, 23 & 24

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No question, it has long been challenging to try and walk in grace and gratitude as a human angel on planet earth.  But joyful, too, especially for the healers among us.

And now?

What if the changing conditions on the planet can actually result in an acceleration of our spiritual gifts and abilities?  What if we can do our work even better NOW than we could before–if we are able to do it in a different way?


As the group said in a recent RisingLight channel:

This is giving people a time out to do all sorts of things.  You can find much more of your center, your spirit.  Your spirit is actually emerging more through the body now than it was even 10 days ago.  The movement on this planet is huge.  

When you work with this disease and the virus that caused that disease, you loosen the ethereal body, and what that really means is that your physical body has less of a grip on the spirit.  You are able to step out and do things in different ways.

So if you’ve been making poor life choices over and over without understanding why, NOW could be the perfect time to work on that.

This issue is especially confusing because it feels as if you are following your heart when you make these decisions…only to wind up in an all-too-familiar, unwanted place.

In a special three-day workshop in June, Steve and The group will guide you through a process to address and resolve them, easing the path for the new humans on the game board.

How, exactly?

Welcome to Timeline Healing, a new and simpler way to balance negative imprints and reform them, storing them in a new location on the timeline.

In this work, the group teaches us through examination and experience an easy and effective way to work with the negative traumatic imprints that quietly control life for many people.

Timeline Healing is being taught as an OverLight healing modality for facilitators, but anyone is welcome to attend to experience the healing for themselves. There is no prerequisite course for this training.  All are welcome to participate, experience, and learn.

This material also applies to our OverLight Teaching program. See more on that here. 

The Timeline Healing techniques were introduced last year in both in-person events in Belgium and Las Vegas, where they were found by participants to be simple, easy, and powerful. This online training will cover the introduction again and provide more in-depth information that is important and relevant right now.

As we begin to transition back into society, many healers will find that original tools and techniques for the physical body have become less effective. What will become much more effective are tools that are designed to work more directly with the Spirit.

Timeline Healing is a modality that can be facilitated in person and/or remotely between facilitator and client, as well as a personal experience for self-study.

A certificate of completion will be sent upon completion of the course.


  1. Hello all

    I’m reaching out to you from Germany. I am wondering whether there is going to be another TimelineHealing available? And to be honest, the costs do interest me. Unfortunately earthly life still holds me in a wanting position, but who knows, things might change in that aspect soon as well. Sending you lots of love and holiday wishes

  2. I live in Melbourne, Australia, which means the classes are at 4 am here. Would I have to attend live or will the sessions be recorded and I can watch them later in the day? If so, would they still be as ‘effective’?