Watch ESPAVOtv for the latest in Lightworker news and events. Below are the base modules for the Doctoral Program at Espavo.
Espavo Online Events
Base modules for the Doctoral program
What is the Doctoral program?
Spiritual Psychology - 9 Day Certified Training - Now Available
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• Online Event
This tells the story of the journey through life as a spirit on Earth. This is the Earth side of the story.
Anyone who simply wants to know how the game of being as human works, as well as therapists, you will find valuable tools in this event.
Finding your own Primary Life Lesson and understanding humanity can be of utmost value to your own personal growth.
This course gives you 9 credits.
Crossing The Veil
• Online Event
This is the spirit side of the story. Here the group offers a powerful, in-depth examination of what happens when spirits cross the veil to become humans, and what happens when we human angels decide it’s time for us to go back home.
Discover why the group calls those who help others make this important transition some of the greatest healers on planet Earth--and how you can become one of them, if you wish?
This course gives you 7 credits.
Superconscious Training: Animal Communication
• Online Event
Do you talk to animals? Even if you have never had pets, there are new abilities available to us that can enhance levels of communication with the animal kingdom. It is needed now more than ever.
In January 2023 the group will teach us ways of connecting to the animal kingdom in new ways with superconscious activations. These will attune humans to new levels of communication with the animal kingdom.
This course gives you 2 credits.
Superconscious Training: Animal Spirit Communication
• Online Event
In January 2023, the group spent two sessions explaining the connection we have with the animal kingdom, giving us the how and why of animal communication.
In February, the group will teach and assist us on how to speak directly to the spirit of animals. Speaking with the spirit of animals will include animal spirits that have passed on from the physical plane as well as animal spirits that are still living on the earth plane.
This course gives you 2 credits.
Elective modules
Human Lessons for the Spirit: How to use the Body Suit
• Online Event
The group says that we are creator beings and our idea of who we think we are actually creates the game piece or avatar that we use to play this game.
They will give us insights into their view of the human experience along with new tools we can use as we continue to evolve, while still playing the game of pretending to be human.
This course gives you 2 credits.
Human Lessons for the Spirit: Relationships
• Online Event
When you truly see another person’s spirit you will fall in love. However, that is just the beginning of a relationship and the group says all relationships are built over time.
Join us as we explore new ways to open to, and experience, relationships. The tools given can also be used to deepen an existing relationship and take it to new heights.
This course gives you 2 credits.
Human Lessons for the Spirit: Sex
• Online Event
Many people are now finding themselves in an asexual existence. Even those without sexual relationships will benefit from this two-day event as every human carries and uses sexual energy every day.
This lesson is not about sexual techniques or specifics about the act of sex. Rather, the group wishes to share with us the higher view of the sexual experience on earth and the ways that our spirits use this sacred energy at all adult stages of life.
This course gives you 2 credits.
• Online Event
This seminar was originally presented as part of the LightMaster program. The beginning has been removed.
Aligning through the body suits to give us transparent communication. Ideas on how to use communication straight from the spirit part of yourself while still playing the game of being a human.
This course gives you 2 credits.
Negative Emotions
• Online Event
This seminar was originally presented as part of the LightMaster program.
Using our experience of negative emotions to transform and empower us. These are natural expressions and reactions that all humans will feel from time to time. Here we will give you concepts and tools to use them to evolve yourself and evolve relationships.
This course gives you 2 credits.
Superconscious Training
• Online Event
Wow. This is big. How would you like to tap into a state of mind that transcends human consciousness–what sages and mystics have for centuries called the universal mind of God?
In this three-day event, the Scientist of the Heart will show us how we can harmonize with different levels of communication to receive information. How we can turn on the sensors that each of us has (although for many, they’re turned off) and how they are naturally tuned.
This course gives you 4 credits.
What You Need To Know About Addictions
• Online Event
It’s time for some open and honest talk about addictions on planet Earth. Having had firsthand experience with his own alcoholism some 40 years ago, Steve has a view on addiction in general that comes not only from the group but from his own life experience.
Steve will present most of this class out of channel, with a closing channel from the group where they will challenge all of us to think again.
This course gives you 2 credits.
Spirit Seed: Multidimensional Healing
• Online Event
The group talks about us living in dimensionality in two ways, one is the collective dimension of humanity, the other is individual multidimensionality.
With individual multidimensionality, they say we are living in an individual experience of eleven dimensions, giving your spirit eleven simultaneous experiences as a spirit pretending to be a human.
This course gives you 4 credits.
Atlantean Light Launch
• Online Event
The Observer and the Keeper of Time will help us to remember the real beauty and the excitement held in the human heart in the times of Atlantis. They will help us to recreate emotional memories. Completing this imbalance will also help the current times as old energies tend to replay themselves, over and over again, until they are in balance.
In this three-day event, the group will help us remember and then ground that success in our own individual lives.
This course gives you 3 credits.