The VirtualLight Broadcast
October 2017 Segment 1
The VirtualLight Broadcast Live three hour monthly internet broadcast on Lightworker TV. The broadcast is in six segments, hosted by Steve and Barbara Rother of www.Espavo.org and www.Paths2Empowerment.com includes the interviews from Sandra Sedgbeer with the top people in the spiritual arena.
Steve & Barbara Rother
Steve and Barbara open the show with an explanation of the new format of the VLB. They talked about the recent global events including the hurricanes and earthquakes and what is coming up. They also addressed upcoming events.
Then Merlia gave a message about the feminine power returning to Earth.
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The VirtualLight Broadcast
October 2017 Segment 2
Good News from Chris Morris. Items that are positive in our world today. Chris also gives the Lightmaster of the month to Neal Degrasse Tyson who educates about science in a practical way. He brings common sense to the world of science and makes complicated issues easy to understand. Neil is a television personality with several shows currently in production.
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The VirtualLight Broadcast
October 2017 Segment 3
The group brings a timely message in the “Story of Amor” this is the first in a series of monthly messages about a young boy growing up the days of Lemuria. Today’s message is about two boys learning to balance energy as Amor meets Tor and the two camp out overnight at the Elephant Rocks.
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The VirtualLight Broadcast
October 2017 Segment 4
Welcome to the two-minute segment of the private reading portion of our show.
Steve and Barbara take live phone calls from viewers. Focus was on the recent Earth Changes and what is coming.
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The VirtualLight Broadcast
October 2017 Segment 5
This segment is the final channel from the group for this VirtualLight. It was from the Scientist of the Heart who talked about the new tools available to all humans during these times of change.
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Each segment is 25 minutes long You are free to distribute this information in any form with the understanding that all copyrights including translation copyrights remain with Lightworker. We only ask that you do not market it directly. If you like a segment feel free to place it on your own site you can write to us for the embed code for your own site. Write to the Producer of the VirtualLight Broadcast for details. This is offered as a family connection from Lightworker.
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Copyright 1996-2017 Espavo. The files on this page are copyrighted but may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided Espavo is given credit and espavo.org is mentioned. Websites are encouraged to use or link to these files, permission is not needed, but we appreciate being notified. Further information from the group may be found at: www.Espavo.org and www.Paths2Empowerment.com or through Espavo at (702) 871 3317. Espavo is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading Light through empowerment.
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