Beacons of Light, January 2025

The Beacons of Light
Re-minders from Home

Beacons of Light, January 2025
Presented live 2024/12/28

NOTICE: The following channels were given live on the VirtualLight Broadcast and can be heard as they were originally recorded. Editing takes place to bring it from spoken to written word. In this process the group often adds or clarifies a subject and we often combine channels to bring the most important information at the time it is presented. I hope you enjoy them. In the channel below the beginning material was a separate channel not on the VirtualLight Broadcast.

Steve Rother

~ The What is Series: What Is Family? ~

Greetings, I am Observer.

I join you this day with a great observation of humanity, for things are moving in a very powerful direction. There are ups and downs with challenges ahead. Obviously, some of the things you have worked so hard for are being greatly resisted.Although the rise of the feminine brought new energies to this planet, it’s also brought fear for those who feel that masculine energy is superior. Many believe there must be a competition between masculine and feminine. They feel threatened by the feminine energy moving in the way that it has. But nothing lasts forever, so watch for the pendulum to swing in the opposite direction. Keep in mind that you have all these incredible energies and memories from Home.

Spiritual Family& Relationships

As we continue our “What Is?” series, we wish to share what is family. You have many different versions of it. When the Keeper was first starting this work he kept talking about the Lightworker family, the spiritual family of other people around him, but some had negative reactions to that. It was simply because they had a different experience with family. Perhaps they had instead been brought up with negative experiences and a lack of support in their families.

The reality is all of your attempts at relationships are simply reflections of trying to re-member all that you have at Home. You are working with new energies and many things are moving at the speed of light. As you have been playing the game of pretending to be a human, your spirit has been divided up into 11 different aspects. Each has been carrying parts of your core personality, which is the true you. Although they are in various aspects now, their body suit has been taught different things than you have.

Some aspects of where they are may even be opposite from where you are. However, that allows the spirit to change in different ways. Let’s say, for instance, that you go Home for a moment. You realize you’re not in your physical body, you know you’ve died. You’re walking down this street and all of a sudden you see someone coming from the opposite direction. As you start to perceive this person, you are drawn to them. Without understanding why, you simply want to be a part of them in any way that they will allow. In that moment they turn and look at you. You are flooded with memories of past lifetimes and experiences from the other side of the veil. When you integrate in that way, you share memories. All 11 of you experience life in slightly different ways, blending it all together.

Family on the Other Side of the Veil

You are not new to this Earth, for many of you have been here thousands of times. You’re in the fourth Earth right now, though some of you go back further. You’ve experienced this game of pretending to be separate before. Most of the time you experience relationships here with a limited vision. You are not able to remember who you are, where you came from, or what you experienced. So, you find yourself doing the same things that you did before. You seem to have to start over in different ways, which can be very frustrating for new spirits pretending to be human.

From the other side of the veil, you have a core essence. But because all 11 aspects are blended together, you cannot pull one element out and say, “This is you.” That’s how you play the game of pretending to be separate from each other. When you make the connection, remember they’re part of you. These beings are right here experiencing what you are experiencing, they are your original spiritual family. There are times on planet Earth when you actually intersect your reality with theirs. Usually they come in for only a short time, but in doing so they can upset a lot of things.

If you’re not in a good situation, they’ll let you see yourself from a perspective of love and then move on. Other times, they will stay for the rest of your life. But for the most part, you’ll have people who you know well that will intercede your life. They are your original spiritual family, who cross your path at specific times usually on the way to their own work and dreams. Or sometimes you’ll meet or even pass someone for the first time and feel this deep, deep connection. It can be very confusing, perhaps it was a contract. But sometimes it’s frustrating for us to watch on this side of the veil. We see many wonderful contracts being set up, yet often when they activate people tend to walk away. Yes, these are the connections to your original spiritual family.

The Back Up Plans

When you come to Earth pretending to be human, you actually choose a primary parental contract. Because you’re entering into the planet of free choice, you aren’t choosing a family. It’s possible that you may not end up with both parents that you chose. That’s why you choose one primary parental contract, one that you know you can connect with, and you trust it to find the perfect partner. Many times people get very lucky, though other times not so much. That’s why almost23% are in backup plans.

For instance, before you came in you set up a contract to have this person be your father. And he was going to teach you everything, you were going to emulate him in every way possible. But then all of a sudden he’s not there. Perhaps he decided not to have any more children, or maybe there was an accident and he died. So, what happens then is you will choose an alternate path. However, when you put yourself into a backup plan it often that means you’re the black sheep in the family. You may have brothers and sisters who get along with one another pretty well. But you’re the oddball, you think a little bit differently than everybody else.

It’s also entirely possible that the mother or father, or usually mother in this situation, can have a baby that she can’t connect with. She doesn’t have the natural vibrational connection that she would normally have with the baby. It’s actually very common, and that is made on your side of the veil. Sometimes it leads to a mistrust that settles into the relationship and lasts a person’s lifetime. Yes, on your side of the veil family means all these things. Sometimes these are opportunities to learn about love or support. Maybe you signed up for a little of both. “Will you love me enough to play the bad guy and abuse our relationship in some way?” Yeah, we set up all kinds of contracts. Above all, enjoy the journey.

Families Are Built

Although relationships are built, when you start with a vibrational relationship it usually means you have a deeper connection. Perhaps the person that you chose from the other side of the veil was no longer available. So, why would someone take an alternate plan B contract at birth? There’s actually a very good reason, because it was critical for you to be here now. You’re moving very quickly now into a higher vibrational state. Please do not judge that by the news or by things that are happening in all this third-dimensional world. Look at it from the higher aspect of what is in your reality around you right now, because you create that. And in the fifth dimension, you create much more of it. You can extend this in ways that you didn’t dream possible.

There are many aspects of being able to work with this in a higher vibrational state, building a comfortable life full of excitement, expansion and creativity. So, where does family fit into all of this? Your original spiritual family will always be yours, and they will love you no matter what you do. Is that true with your Earth family? Well, not always. You have the duality you’ve grown up with, because you’re not yet anchored in triality. With stepping into a higher vibrational state, everything is anchored in threes. As you step forward, you step into a new reality in a different way.

The Magic Glance

Your original spiritual family is called in at the most incredible times. Sometimes they don’t intercede in your world in a normal way. There are times when an original spiritual family member inhabits a body for a few moments to walk in front of you on a busy street. They catch your eye for a second to smile, they plant a seed of Home and remembrance. And they may have actually even changed your life, which happens a lot on planet Earth right now.

As you find yourself connecting with someone and looking into their eyes, smile and plant that seed intentionally. You’ll find so many things starting to awaken with new attributes. It is time, dear ones. Often you build families around things, such as around your spirituality or your workplace. If you really like your work and the people you work with, they become a family to you. You probably spend more time with them than you do with your family at home, so you become a family of sorts.

There are so many elements intending to separate people on planet Earth at this time. It is an intentional move for a power take over, which is being aided by technology. The most important part is that you’re aware of it now. Because the reality is that nobody can really make anybody do anything. You are simply awakening from the dream. And the more that you anchor in your fifth-dimensional world, the less you can even notice. Why? Because it does not exist on that level.

Take a breath, dear ones. Family is an important aspect of where you’re going and you will feel them all the time from Home. Know that you’re never alone. Enjoy the journey, dear ones. With that, we leave you for now. Treat each other with respect, nurture one another, play well together. I am Observer, and I do like to watch.

Espavo, dear ones.


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