Espavo empowerment series

Originally channeled August 2023

Online Event

The Earth is going through massive changes at this time and we have the power to assist her. She is part of us and we are part of her. The strain of 8 billion souls now on Earth has caused her to reach a tipping point.

The Schuman resonance has reached a new high as the core of the Earth has stopped spinning. She is in transition and we can help.

In this two-session event the group will explain what is happening with the Earth at this moment and what we can do to assist her.

Our connection to her is critical.

The group will talk to us about becoming Vortex masters and how we can strengthen our connection with the crystalline energy of the mother.

We will be working with crystals and invite you to bring your favorite crystals to this event with you. We will also have a special segment from our resident crystal channeler Cathy. She will offer ideas on things we can all do to make these connections stronger.

If you choose to know, ask.

Then choose to listen.

For the past 28 years, Steve Rother and “The group”, have been offering wise and timely information in seminars and lectures around the world as well as a variety of online events and workshops.

Steve Rother has presented seminars in 21 countries and has been a five-time presenter at the United Nations on two continents. His books have been translated into 18 languages. They include Spiritual Psychology, the 12 primary life lessons, Crossing the Veil and Re-member.