From Juliya and the Heart of Ukraine

Dear Family,

Greetings from the very heart of Ukraine.

My name is Juliya and here I want to share some light with you.

I and my baby daughter Mira keep staying in Ukraine. Life here is getting to be as much challenging as also wide open for the evolutionary growth opportunity. Holding the light is what these severe times are teaching all of us. And I want you to know, we all together are doing a great job. The connection that we all have built is amazing and powerful. Thank you for hearing my call every time I was asking for that. And thank you for holding my hand. My hand keeps being reached forward for anybody from the Family of E to connect.

At the beginning of the war my daughter’s higher self showed me some practice for us to strengthen the connection with our spirit, increasing the grounding and protection.

Furthermore, while doing this Spirit Grounding practice day by day I started realizing that it has a direct connection with remembering and realigning our light body structures.

I felt that someday I will share this practice with other people. And I think the time is now, so I recorded the video guide to this spirit grounding tool. I hope you will find there some important keys for you.

Some of you know that now I’m a single mother of a 2y.o. baby girl. That brings some extra challenges, but that is also a huge motivation to me to keep moving ahead. Step by step I do my best to return to the working process to be able to cover all the expenses for me and my daughter.

Some of you have asked about the ways to send donations to me and Mira. All your support is very appreciated and touches my heart so deeply. Any donations would be really helpful to us, as due to some of my health issues earning money is very limited to me now. By donating to us you send incredible support to our small but powerful family.

To complete the energy exchange circle I created this gift folder for all of you to download the Spirit Grounding video guide.

To enjoy the Spirit Grounding video guide in higher quality, please download the video on your computer, as Google drive compresses the quality to be able to play it directly. If you have any technical issues with opening any of the files, please contact me and I will try to find the solution.

The gift folder also contains a digital postcard from me and Mira. So you can print it of any size you like to have a reminder of how important your light is. The postcard has an image of a handmade mosaic dove that I created about 7 years ago. I hope you will enjoy it.

The access to the folder is open to anybody, no matter if you have donated to us or not. Please feel free to download it and practice the energy tool we share.

Sharing this information with your friends is very appreciated. We do need any possible support now.

To donate to me and my daughter Mira, please use Paypal.

My Paypal is:



Please, use the option ‘Personal. Pay friends and family easily’, as my Paypal account is not a business one but personal yet.

I can also take a direct bank transfer or a Western Union transfer. Please contact me via email for the details.

I also do the Light Code activations with crystals. Please contact me for more information if you are interested and would like to order your special crystal.

Thank you for your heartwarming support. It means a lot to us.

And thank you for being the light you are.

With my light of love,


Those of you who want to download the Spirit Guide video, the Thank You video or the dove picture that Juliya created to share a special call to the Family, please click on the following link: