A Dimensional Portal is open on Earth.

Will humanity be able to step up and keep it open?

March 24th through August 27th 2023.

In recent channelings, the group has told of an important event for all of humanity. Here it is. If humans can step into it and raise enough awareness, we can keep this portal open permanently. This will begin a new game in a higher vibration. It ties together many of the messages they have been giving us. Below is a list of these items.

  1. There are now 8 billion humans inhabiting earth. The earth was going to be making decisions as to how she would go forward under that weight.
  2. They have been telling us that help is on the way.
  3. They say we are multidimensional beings. We are having multiple experiences simultaneously as a spirit pretending to be a human.
  4. They remind us that we are perfect spirits. Since perfection is not allowed in a finite world, we have split up our perfection into the 11 dimensions we experience on earth.
  5. They have been saying that the walls that separate the dimensions in which we live are thinning rapidly. This thinning will allow us a chance to integrate much of our perfection while we are still in physical form.
  6. They often spoke about vortexes and how people can be the guardians of a vortex. If these vortexes are nurtured, they can turn into portals.
  7. They have repeatedly said that what we see as spaceships and UFOs from other worlds are actually beings that are able to shift dimensions by traveling through portals. They said most of these beings are from other dimensions, rather than other planets.

8. Up to this point, these portals have been localized and often marked with spirals that are seen all over the globe in ancient markings, like the Nazca lines and petroglyphs that are found everywhere.

9. Recently the group has given us the concept of the Esayoto. The group states the Esayoto is a place where we can live in a higher vibration.

10. According to the group, we now carry roughly 20% of our spirit in 80% physical form. The spirit emerges when we laugh, smile and are in our passion. What is coming for all of us is an opportunity to reverse those figures and consciously carry much more of our spirit every moment.

11. Now they say a portal is open that encompasses the entire earth and all of her inhabitants.

12. The group says this portal will close, unless humanity can raise our vibrations enough to hold it open permanently. This would give us the Esayoto. The challenge will be fear versus love and they are asking; “How much love can you carry?”

In response, the group will bring us a new series of seminars which start in March of 2023.

The series is called “Human Lessons for the Spirit.”

These seminars will give us views of the human experience from their perspective.

They will talk about the individual evolution each of us can make to change the world around us.

Below are topics we will cover in the “Human Lessons for the Spirit” series:

MARCH 3rd and 10th- Body Suits – The group’s definition of the avatars we use to play the game of pretending to be human. The second day will be used to also talk about the Physical Body.

APRIL 21st and 28th- Relationships – Understanding this as intimate connections of spirit. Tools you can use to strengthen existing relationships and also to start new ones.

MAY 19th and 26th- Sex – A physical grounding of the spirit and remembrance of Home. One of the most difficult parts of relationships. We will cover how it is misused and tools and suggestions for balancing this grounding of spirit.

The events below will be presented in LightMaster exclusively.

JUNE 23rd and 30th- Communication – Aligning through the body suits to give us transparent communication. Ideas on how to use communication straight from the spirit part of yourself while still playing the game of being a human.

JULY 21st and 28th- Negative Emotions – Using our experience of negative emotions to transform and empower us. These are natural expressions and reactions that all humans will feel from time to time. Here we will give you concepts and tools to use them to evolve yourself and evolve relationships.

AUGUST 18th and 25th- Dimensionality What is it and how can we step into it. This explains the Portal and how it will work to live in. The second day is on Releasing Belief Limiting Systems and Stepping into Power- how we can rewire the body suit to start a new game. Turning negative fear based emotions into powerful tools.

These will be presented on the first two Fridays of each month beginning in March 2023.


Get all of the above plus three more days each month as part of an active community of Lightworkers globally.


A deeper understanding of this material can be gained by joining the LightMaster group. The Lightmaster group will include these live channeled classes plus 3 more events each month. The Lightmasters are an interactive community of dedicated Lightworkers. Come join us!

Can’t make the live series?

This entire series will be available for purchase after the live presentation. The series may not end there, but that is all the group will show us right now. These are tools they say, that can help us hold this portal open and allow us all to step into a higher vibrational world. We are all needed.