Stepping into the New Realm
May 12, 19 & 26
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Here we are, in a very different world than the one we’re used to. Now what?
What’s ahead for humanity on the other side of the current pandemic?
What’s happening energetically? What possibilities are opening up as a result, and how can we help create what we want to see happen?
Most humans on Planet Earth have been in survival mode in recent times. In this event the group would like to show us possibilities on the other side of this pandemic. They told us that when we emerged things would be quite different, and they want to assist us in aligning ourselves to the coming new flow.
The group will show some of the possibilities after the pandemic has left its mark on humanity. There is a lot of work to do in between but Humanity in general will emerge enlightened. It will also have the effect of loosening the ethereal body. It will also have the effect of loosening the ethereal body <— This is a KEY point in our evolution.
At a recent RisingLight class the group explained that the loosening of the ethereal body will actually usher in many spiritual gifts for each of us. You’ll learn much more about this in class…
What else is ahead? They tell us that it will be much more possible to connect and communicate at higher levels, which will bring awareness to the shift that has just happened. During our three sessions together, the group will show us multiple possibilities in the path before us.
The “Observer” will also share the overview of the current evolution of humanity as a whole and where we are right now, including the many choices that Humanity will be faced with as we step into this New Realm.
We hope you can join us, to get the information you need to align yourself to the path of least resistance.
Will downloads be available afterwards?
I am a very early riser and can’t participate live at the appointed time
Hello Jo,
Downloads are not available for the classes. Recordings are available though, so you can watch the classes at any time. We are not planning expiration dates for our products for the time being.
Nick – Webmaster
Would love to take part in all of the seminars but cant afford.
I’ve just registered because I just love the overviews from The Observer and I adore hearing all the new possibilities ahead. To boldly go where no one has gone before. And of course I’m very much hoping that Elrah will sneak in to loosen everything up with his rhythms and perky humor.
See you tomorrow!
Love, Ida (from Holland)
my name is Benvinda,
I would like Register my name, but I Don’t now how to di because I speack/read only French.
I would like got the traduction in french but now how to too.
Thnck for your help.
Bonsoir, le seminaire est toujours en englais. Vous parlez un peu d englais, et beaucoup d informations vient a travers le coeur. Il vous faut vous inscrire et on vous demanderas de creer un compte a votre nom, ensuite vous etes membre. Bonne chance a vous.
I like to join!
Greetings, Vera