Your feedback goes a long way in helping others understand how personal and effective our work is.
We’d be honored if you’d share your experiences with us.
Have you experienced a shift in yourself through participating in any of our events?
Send us your comments in the box below. We’d love to hear from you.
Dear Steve, Barbera in heaven, Elke and the group. The weekend in Leuven was a great experience. I felt so much love, it felt like a beautiful gift. I would come to Las Vegas for the “angel walk” but corona and Barbera decided otherwise. I am so glad I got to experience it in Leuven. It is now a new jewel that I carry with me and inspires me to pas on the light. Dear greetings.
- Marie-Louise, Belgium
I really liked the Body Suit Programming workshop in Leuven. You know why? It made me quite aware of my unconscious behavior (believe systems, habits, biases) and how my behavior can change dependent on the situation. Never realized that I carry so many biases 😊. The insights, the open interactions, the instructions to reprogram and the hugs are my take-away. It felt like a warm bath. Thank you! Big Hug!
- Ruud
Hello Steve, I would like to thank you very much for resuming the LightMaster course. The October 21 session was very powerful. I felt the huge energy and the Spirit overlight and nurture me. I felt winged and inspired. It reminded me of a childhood, when I often felt like this. With time, however, as I grew up, this feeling began to fade away.
- Julie, Ukrainian from Poland
Dear Steve and the group, How I love your choice of music. I’m a musician too. Singer and composer, playing a bit of piano, guitar and djembe and writing lyrics now and then. Most of the music you chose for the channelings goes straight into my heart. And it can bring all sorts of things out in me. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it makes me wanna dance around the room and be happy. But above all it makes me very thankful to feel how deep my connection with Home is through music and words.
- Esther, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Please keep them coming! I have appreciated your music selections since I first became acquainted with the site years ago. I share your info with my daughter who is musically grounded. Blessings.
- Lois
Dear Steve, Thank you again for the great lessons, i love to have the weekly lightworker lessons back. I like the syml music and i love music in general. Micha, Erlecom, The Netherlands (said you could also use last name Bude if you want)
- Micha
You always seem to bring answers at the right time. In Global Light today, 11 15 22, you said that it takes a bathtub of water to make a cup of coffee. For the past several months I have not been drinking coffee, or even tea. This was not a conscious choice on my part, I just didn’t want to bother making the beverage. I used to enjoy my morning coffee, but the desire was gone.
- Susan, New England, US (Or Boston, MA)
Hello Steve, I know you are super busy ’cause I just tried to log in & also to play the video from this morning. However, it felt important to let you know tonight that I used the technique on my own neck with wonderful results.
- Joules (or Julia Shafer)
Dear Steve and fellow lightmaster family, Having been with our lightmaster family for many years now, I feel I have come home, and while I may not know many of you personally, you are the family of my heart. Thankyou Steve for bringing back lightmaster. I especially love the informal sides of you and your passions that you share with us, you feel like the brother I did not have, and I love you all the more for it!
- Rhonda from Australia
Hi Steve and the Group, Your answer on my question for Petra (Q&A oktober) was spot on. Thank you so much for that! She felt, that this was the answer she was waiting for.
Ruud, village Best, The Netherlands (said you could also use his last name De Graaf if you want).
- Clive
Hi Steve and The Group. I am very Grateful to all of you, for your presentations in the LightMaster sessions. In meditations, sometimes I receive new understandings about my journey in this life and in the next LightMaster session, The Channel confirms my understand and expands it further. This brings great joy to my Heart and opens me more to my “Eternal Spiritual Being” and a general awareness of the multi-dimensional Beings who share this with me— we are one. My human brain is not able to “make sense” of these experiences and it is my Spiritual Heart that feels them and You and The Group that give it a meaning in the fullness of my purpose in being on Earth at this time. I feel the power of the Light, Love and Peace that we, The LightMasters, bring to Mother Earth to allow the new balance to emerge. Also I see and feel that new balance is happening. Thank you for sowing seeds and allowing me to feel that together we are all one. Thanks also to the Espavo support team, that allows me to access the sessions on the net.
- Clive in Tyalgum, Australia
Thank You! I feel like Pinocchio as he was turned into a “real boy” by the strength of desire when I see & hear my words on-line. After so many years of spiritual seeking, to find my home here is Ecstatic. I do not use that word lightly. Do you remember the scene in “Wizard of Oz” when Dorothy lands & it all jumps into color & music? Yeah. This is my life now. I am way more than Happy.
- Julie
I was a little bit nervous before our session, because of my English and doubt about how to enounce my questions. But on the session there was no need to enounce them. Steve was giving me answers on all my questions I didn’t even pronounce. And it was at the very heart. I was feeling like huge wight-light beam pass through me. Steve said me so many good warm words, that will be in my heart evermore.
- Elena in Russia
Dear Steve, This morning I saw the LightMaster event of last Friday 23rd, which made a great impression to me. It was so truthful what you said about Money versus People and a confirmation of what I always felt. Also the truth about A.I. was important to hear. Do not know why but by the last words of the Observer I got tears in my eyes and felt such a strong connection. Grateful for all what you and the group are doing for us. Wishing you a prosperous and healthy New year. Warm regards.
- André from Belgium
Hello Steve, I want to congratulate you on creating a webinar on zoom!! Great work! I am one of those, early on in LightMaster (certificates for 2016 on) who asked how we can meet one another. The answer was disappointing. But here we are, forging ahead, and we’ll be able to meet our kindred spirits all over the world!! Love and Blessings.
- Caldwell, Idaho
My dearest dearest Steve! First of all, no words can describe my appreciation for all you & your staff do for us. Thank you so much also for my private session on 1/16. It touched me on such a deep level & have cried reverse tears most of the week. I now understand the profound effects of that session as it activated me to clear even more of my baggage & my gentle nudge to pursue further neurobiology as a means to clear & master on many levels.
- Susan
Hi Steve, Thank you so much for the recording. It was wonderful to talk with you. It seemed like we could have talked for hours. I just watched it again and my heart is open and I’m sending you energy because I have so much to give. People you connect with don’t always come around that often. You are honoured and will always be a part of my life even if it is only through Espavo. Thank you.Love and Blessings.
- Melody
I am just so grateful and joyful thanks to you and the group. First of all, I would like you to know that I have mastered my life lesson of Definition, Thanks to you. Upon reading Spiritual Psychology in 2012 I just GOT IT! I seperated from my ex and started to look into people’s eyes to see if they were angry or manipulative and it worked. I really would like you to know that. I will go back and read the Trust chapter again (I’ve read the book 10 times, have given 11 copies to friends just so you know:)
Thank you Steve and the Group from the bottom of my heart for the
latest course on empaths. It was my second course on this subject and the most amazing two days. So nice to hear from Steve sharing some personal information before the channeling started. This course came in the absolutely perfect time for me and I can’t thank you enough. The LOVE coming from the Group is almost overwhelming.
• Claes
Bless You, Steve & all the rest of you. I feel quite at home when I am spending time here.
• Joules
I have been a LightMaster from the beginning, for 9 years now. For me it is a way of life to be together with Spirits with the same mind and heartset. Working and gaining strength together in this time of big changes is important for me. To be a LightMaster supports my own belief systems and gives me strength in my work, my family life and lifts me up. The tools you get are useful and easy to work with. The work we do together for our beloved planet feels very important for me. I am very dedicated to this work. Important is that I feel totally free and not pushed by the way The Group, Steve and Barbara are presenting their knowledge. We are a family! With love for all the living beings,
• Yvonne from the Netherlands
In this ever changing world, Lightmaster 2020 was my much needed anchor during a chaotic year. Often, it was the highlight of my week, uplifting, healing, and soothing my heart and soul. Steve and the group provide such a clear connection to home and those weekly activations expand and open my heart chakra in such a delicious way! Thank you!
• Binh Minh
Many thanks to Steve, Barbara, the group and all involved in the amazing LightMaster classes. I am grateful for being in this empowering and enlightening course. From the beginning till the end of the course, Thursdays have been my favourite day… Big hugs,
• Göksu
I’ve just completed my 3rd year of Lightmasters and each year it has gotten better with offering growth and sending light out to the planet and all living beings. This past year has been quite a different year for humanity and Lightmaster has shared amazing insights and ways to grow through these experiences. I’ve personally grown and evolved so much through Lightmaster and I’m registering for 2021, and am so looking forward to evolving and raising my vibration even more!! Thank you Steve and the group for offering such an amazing year-long class in helping us grow and expand!! Much love! Espavo!!
• Karla Taylor
Lightmaster 2020 was an important step forward. There is so much change and even more to come, our minds are evolving and so does our body. That which is happening around us does not always make sense, nor do we have many reference points. Lightmaster 2020 was the laying out of the basement for the new house ( our bodies ) I personally appreciated and studied the information from the group and was able to put some of their messages out to my family and friends, the activations are very important to me as I feel the difference in my system. And:: not all is that serious, we are always reminded to enjoy the game and play well together!! YOU joining the light masters will make the difference, I know that deep in my heart. Much light to all from one heart to another.
• Dagmar
I’m about to begin my 4th year of Lightmaster. I look forward to every week knowing that I will receive the highest of energies & assistance available to aid my spiritual growth. I love our work to help with current issues that affect Earth & her inhabitants. Knowing I am a part of the solution rather than the problem helps me sleep at night. Always knowing I have Lightmaster to look forward to each week helps tremendously. I need my Lightmaster fix! If this program resonates with you, I can guarantee you will not be disappointed. Jump off the fence & join us. You will be so glad that you did!
• Nancy Kaiser ~ Animal Communicator & Healer
The Lightmaster course has connected me with realities that I was oblivious to. Started a deep transformation that is still ongoing. The opening of the heart is bittersweet… as we open to others and find that we all share the same pain and sorrows, we also share the light and love that unite us. Thank you so much for this gift that has transformed my life. I love you all and I am deeply grateful for the LightMaster course. A weekly balm for the heart. Thank you Steve, Barbara, Meg and the rest of the team. And thank you to the Group.
• Paula
Hi Steve & Barbara, It’s funny, I didn’t feel a connection with Atlantis Rising at first, but took the class in preparation for the upcoming Lightmaster’s course since I intend to sign up for it this year & felt it would be really helpful. But I had No Idea it would be so freaking fascinating! It has given me so much hope for what’s to come & wondering what part I might play in the days ahead. So now I’m taking the Timeline Healing class since I was moving in June. I’ve noticed a thread from the very first WBW class in January all the way through August, of the Group laying a foundation for us brick by brick, for our personal empowerment. For this & so much more, I am so grateful for the Group & the Espavo Team for making this possible & very much looking forward to the growth to come!
• Alaya
Hello, I’m still in shock/disbelief somewhat by the revelations made during the program. I want desperately to believe the information that was revealed, but my brain and heart haven’t quite reconciled yet. I know in my heart there is (at very least!) an element of truth there. The message gives me so much hope and I really resonated with it.
I’m also still reluctant to put all of my hopes into it for fear of disappointment. Similar to when we have to “grow up” and become adults and stop believing in “childish” things. (That’s clearly an area I need to work on personally!!)
I will say this. I’ve been watching more sci-fi/fantasy movies and shows recently. There have been several moments when I’ve had my mind blown by some similarities in story lines – just small plot points, but uncannily similar to some of the information revealed during the program. (That’s one of the great things about the sci-fi/fantasy genre – you can hide things in plain sight for people who know how to look!!) Having seen some of the Group’s message reflected in popular culture actually helped me to start reconciling my brain and my heart’s reaction.
Thanks again! I’m honored to have been part of this event!
• April
Atlantis rising was a fascinating seminar for me. I absolutely resonated with the crystals, being a healer myself and surrounded by crystals, I could feel the energy of the Atlantean crystals and even see them melting. During the last couple of weeks I felt the air being different, there was another flavour added to, now I understand…. Atlantis was a timeline crossing with a permanent imprint I suppose on our ever evolving DNA/RNA. — codes, for we are living codes. Resume:: Atlantis rising was an eye opener. Now awaiting the next seminar::: from surviving to thriving- new codes, source codes and their respective activations.Amazing what is ahead. Thank you for always transmitting such advanced information. Much love and light to Steve, Barbara, the group and their incredible team.
• Dagmar
Hello Steve, I hope this email meets you well during this time of evolution. I received an email today speaking about the Apocalypse and when I read the word I felt the old paradigm meaning of death and destruction. I felt that old meaning dissolving within me. Atlantis Rising workshop has helped me to release that apocalyptic feeling of the end of it all. I embrace my energetic gifts and talents and use them as they are needed now and that I am no longer required to hide them which has been very empowering. After Atlantis Rising I do not question myself. I feel more connected to do the work that I am here to do. Incredible! Many blessings!
- Alysen Krystina
Hi Steve & Barbara – I found the Atlantis Rising workshops most informative! I was excited to learn about the crystal energy and asked my guides of light to let me be a recipient and help with the changes. i look forward to the changes that are coming and to doing my part. Many thanks to Steve, Barbara and the Group. With love and light.
- Sarah
Atlantis : This was an enormous shift in energy . I was finally capable of letting go of the influence that was held in my energy and sometimes repeated thoughts. True letting go and from the class information finally understood especially the crossing of the timelines. Thank you Group thank you Steve and Barbara for this amazing work.
- Elisabeth Hoogduin
Lightmaster: I was in this year without payments because I won a free scholarship. Thank you so much also for this amazing year ! It has shifted almost everything in my life. I was living in Spain near the sea for 7 years and through the shifting of the energy’s in me from the Lightmaster classes I was capable to get a new home in my home country and moved back to my country of origin last May, yes through the pandemic everything was for me speeding up and was working in the right direction ! It was an incredible year full of information, changes, shifting and amazing love and beautiful energy and exercises. Thank you so much Group for all that you do and for so many people. Thank you Steve for all you do for us !
- Elisabeth Hoogduin
Hi Steve & Barbara, Atlantis Rising was one of the best events that Espavo has had. I knew I was in Atlantis from a past life regression. I was working with crystals as everything was falling down around us. It was a brief remembrance, but traumatic nonetheless. I had no idea how much I still carried within despite having cleared much of my past life negative influences until this event. It was incredibly emotional for me, which always tells me how important something is for me. I wish to thank Steve, Barbara, & the Group for this powerful, informative & beneficial course.
- Nancy
Hi Steve & Barbara, After attending the Atlantis Rising seminar, a few things came up for me. First, I remembered a past life I had there which I had not thought about in a long time. I remember distinctly feeling so sad to see my Atlantis being destroyed by a few. It had such beauty. Secondly, I also remembered my affinity for crystals in this lifetime. I got the hit to work with certain of my current crystals because I felt they had information to give me, and I needed to work with them some time after Labor Day to assist with the changes that are occurring in our world — a new world. I am looking forward to experiencing the inspiration that I know will come at the right time. I am thrilled to have chosen to be here at this monumental time and hope to be instrumental in helping to bring positive change to our world.
- Namaste, Karen
Dear Espavo Team, For me the Atlantis Rising experience was really fascinating. I heard several things about Atlantis before but none of this sounded really true. The explanation of the position with Google maps got under my skin. I always knew it was located in the Atlantic ocean. 😉 Also the fact that over the time the crystals moved to the carribean plate and now were absorbed by mother earth. I felt really connected with the planet during this session. Unfortunately I hoped to get more information about what’s happening with the lost continent. Will it come to the surface again or are the few islands (Azores) the rest of it? But the energy which came through the channeling was indeed inspiring. Kind regards from lake constance (Germany),
- Tobias
Dear Steve & Barbara, In the third session of Atlantis Rising, Steve and Observer addressed crossing timelines and multi-dimensionality. I’d probably read it before, but with my husband having made his transition last April, I must have been more open to parts of the message than I had been before. I really “heard” it this time. The particular aspect that resonated with me was how all 11 dimensions of a being – all the various colors of the prism of the soul – enter and exit their individual planes of expression at the exact same time. Not long after the last Atlantis session, I finally read July’s Beacons, dealing with Dimensional Merge. It was then that it hit me – the dear soul with whom I’d shared 46 years of life’s path, was once again whole and Home. And I was privileged to have been there with him in that instant when he moved on. I already knew he was still with me, because I could feel him all around me. But these messages all served to confirm it was not my imagination – he really and truly IS here beside me ‘riding on my shoulder’. He chose to leave this life he loved so dearly to help from the other side.
- Kathy
When I listen to Steve and the group, I feel respected and empowered. I know that the information is available, and I decide when and how I process it and include it in my life. The group’s messages are always loving and considerate. We are a team, the lightmasters and the group.
The fact that I have been studying with teachers from the other side of the veil has helped me gain more confidence in times of trouble. There is life on many levels, in many dimensions. There are lightmasters on many levels and in many dimensions. Espavo.
• Eva
What a Magnificent Opportunity LightMasters is. I thought I was joining to be of service to the earth, people, etc, but even more, what I found is that Steve and the Group and fellow LightMasters have been of significant service to ME! I can see the changes in myself over the past year, and wish everyone could participate in this beautiful gathering of spirits. Each week offers another amazing adventure into subjects I am fascinated with – along with frequent activations and touching in with like-minded hearts. I set aside each Thursday morning with great anticipation of the class to come. This is where I was meant to be – and I am grateful for these teachings and the facebook groups that allow me to share with others – from all over the globe! It gives me a true sense of one-ness with people I would not otherwise be able to connect with. What a blessing LightMasters is. Much love.
• May
VERY excited about Atlantis Rising! THANK YOU for all you do and all you ARE. You have informed me for decades, never more crucially than now. I love you all!
• Trinity
Dear Steve, Barbara and The Group, I want to thank you so much for the beautiful activations on the first day of Unity Healing. I immediately felt how intense loving and powerful these special activations are, straight from Home with the angels around me. The Group came just in time for me with this two-day event. I am so happy to feel that all is at peace now in my body and mind through these special activations. Feeling the warmth and strength of Home. With a smile on my face and thankful from the heart I am sending you big hugs, especially for The Group.
• Esther Mannee
I just wanted to thank you so much for today’s Global Light session. I have been seeing eyes and faces in my meditations during the last couple of weeks. They had so much fear in their eyes, and I did not know why they were showing up. Now I know to smile and touch their hearts in that small way. I saw them again during our time together, and I was able to ease their fears. Thank you so much. In light and love,
• Terri
I have been participating in several of the last several unannounced Global Light calls. I have been noticing how easy I have been able to get into the flow of the meditations. I notice overall that I feel lighter. Thank you for opening up these calls to others. I am very appreciative.
• Patricia
I have followed the group’s messages over the years and continue to look forward to what Steve brings forth. We all go or no one goes. This has so much meaning to me. It is exactly the way our creator would say it. This alone opened my heart. My blessings to the group.
• John
Over the years of adult development my learning has focused on many modalities including an advanced degree in psychology, business/life coaching, and quantum theory. While most of these areas are frameworks that support growth potential, Steve and Barbara Rother gently guide us with hearts and minds of courage, compassion, and deep caring for the evolution of the heart. My experience as I practice opening and living a heartfelt life is beyond words. No wisdom teachings have ever invited me to open the door within that contains infinite Love/Light/Love as in the Light Masters program and other seminars presented at In the days of little to none community gatherings, this is a place I feel nurtured and accepted for the gifts and talents I came to give and receive.
• Judith
Loveliest Steve and Barbara,
Thank you for all that you do for the planet and the people on it. I have been reading your books since 2001. I first was drawn to the co-creation chapter. I must have read it 30 times back then. It started me on the journey to learn how to create my life with abundance and most importantly- bliss. I read you guys currently in the Sedona journal / online. Thank you for being beacons of light!! It took me a year to master, but I now can lift the light/ gods love from my body out into the air. It feels so good to do. You guys are my mentor.
Lots of love,
• Anna
Dear Steve, Barbara & the group:
I have had such a deep and wonderful experience in the activations. Such strong deep glow in my belly spreading out all over my body, deeply touched in the guidance of the group in letting go of all my human insecurities and feeling so safe and so loved in the guidance of opening my heart completely and let my spirit fully come in instead. With so much joy and ease and grace. With so much gratitude. Renewing each and every cell in my entire body with a sparkling golden white heavenly energy. Surrounded by the most beautiful angels of the universe. I am deeply touched by the overwhelming energy of love and light in every cell of my body. I thank Steve and Barbara dearly for being the channels of love between universe and humanity. For giving me a safe haven while the only one who really could give me that, my mother in spirit, is now preparing to leave planet Earth. You know each other and both of you work(ed) with The Group. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for your guidance and love. Blessed be.
• Esther
Dear Espavo family, I just wanted to send you my gratitude for all the effort and love shared during the Assisting the Heroes program. I loved the course and felt deeply connected with the Group when working on the Esayoto. Tears rolled down my face as the overwhelming unconditional love poured over us all, physical and non-physical beings of light. Thank you all for bringing this forward and helping us focus and shine our light even more brightly. Lots of love
• Fernanda
Dearest Steve, Barbara & the Espavo Team, Thank you so much for these past 3 classes on Assisting the Heroes! I was so overjoyed to “find” a way to assist others during these times. Everytime I participated my heart felt “full” and when we worked as a group so many tears of joy came. My husband told me once the class finished that a hawk (I believe it was a red tail hawk) flew around and around our backyard until the class ended. He said he never saw anything like it. I look forward to participating with you all in the future. Thank you for the wisdom to change up and make room for this wonderful class with you all. It has nudged me right back on track. Much love,
• Janet
A few times in my life I felt the deep unconditional love of the source.
This course takes me back to that feeling and then it is like I am carried by the Light feeling the love from Home. My husband and I thank you so much for this course. Your work is a real Jewel for mankind. With Light and Love,
• André en Marie-Louise
Day One of your Assisting the Heroes class touched my heart so deeply that I couldn’t stop crying! The love I felt was so deep that it felt like I had finally “popped the cork” on the Love I had bottled up for the last 12 years or so! It took a couple of days to integrate, but I once again feel Free to be Me again! Much Love to the Group & the Espavo Team
• Alaya
I just want to thank you so much for keeping us sane in a hard time for many! I look forward to us all gathering again. Blessings to you.
• Kathie
You are shining examples of wonderful customer service. ️Much appreciated,
• Barbara
Hello Dear Steve, Barbara and Staff, Thank you for the opportunity to join you all for the Global Livecast on 4/18/20. Thank you for sponsoring this event for humanity, for Gaia, for “the Rising Heart”. It has been a little bit since I have participated in an event. Many times there are new discoveries and new beauty to behold. So inspiring to see your creativity, blessing us. To see the lovely forest and nature scenes behind you Steve and Barbara is just delightful, a blessing for the senses. Thank you for nurturing us in this beautiful way. The scene behind Barbara reminded me of the lovely woods on my Aunt’s property, where I was able to connect to nature when my family visited there. A lovely heart memory. Thank you for your heart presentations. Thank you for the beauty and quality of your presentations. Thank you ALL for the effort, and play!, that goes into All that you do. Thank you family of E. Nice to be back with you again. Huge Heart Hugs and Blessings Always,
• Bella-Marie
Following the lightmaster course since 2013 – 6 years and as we know 6 in numerology represents mastery: I realise the huge progress in my own evolution, yet remaining grounded. The information in truly amazing and very helpful during these times of intense change. I would say: this is the place where science and technology meet with spirituality. I’ll be back in September, Thank you Steve, happy Barbara and the amazing bunch of energies being called THE GROUP!!
• Dagmar for Lightmaster
For years I have always read the Beacons of Light every month in Dutch. After my husband died I was looking for the meaning in my life. When I became a LightMaster five years ago I felt part of the world: sending my energy together with the LM group to mother earth and humankind wherever in distress. I learned to understand which cosmic energy is working and how to react. The LightMaster course gives me a helicopter view. I live my life but I see more and therefore I can be a Beacon of Light for the people around me.
• Love Annelies, The Netherlands for Lightmaster
I am just completing my second year in Lightmaster and can’t imagine going without it. The weekly classes are always fresh, current, and seem to be just want I need. I was delighted that there was no repetition of what I learned the first year, just a deepening into spiritual connection. I especially love the network of Lightmasters. I can feel them all around the world when we connect to heal the earth. Because I live in an isolated area, it feels wonderful to be connected with other souls energetically. Steve and the Group are incredibly generous with their time and energy, giving us all much more than expected. Belonging to Lightmaster has helped me grow in spiritual confidence and live a much more peaceful and centered life. I highly recommend this program to anyone who feels called to it. You will love it just as much as I do.
• Lynne, Ecuador for Lightmaster
Thank you for this opportunity to provide feedback about my experience in this year’s Lightmaster course. Having participated in prior years’ courses (discontinuously), this year’s course has been phenomenal. I’ve especially appreciated:
- having connected via the Heart Light Network
- focusing on calming Earth energies, and
- receiving regular updates on humanity’s evolution throughout the year.
It’s also been wonderful to learn about the Esayoto. I have invoked its peaceful power to excellent effect during times of personal confusion and family turmoil. It’s been a welcome respite for restoring a healthy perspective in these challenging times! In addition to the Lightmaster course, I especially appreciated the opportunity to learn and use the (Hidden) Light Codes Activation modality. Having benefited from it myself, I’ve also added it to my healer’s ‘bag of tricks’ with consistently positive results for my clients. Great thanks to Barbara, Steve, the Group, and the whole Espavo/Paths 2 Empowerment team for the many gifts and blessings of your work!
• Big hugs, Barb for Lightmaster
I have been a Lightmaster from the second year it began. I Love it and it has brought so much enlightenment to my life. Every week I look forward to the broadcast by Steve. I can see life and everything else now with another view. I am very grateful for the support from the Group. I also love the activations, that are given almost every week. I want to thank Steve and the GROUP for all this support.
• Love, Zoia for Lightmaster
My wife and I had planned to go on holiday in September. Our original plan was June this year but on the day I put the caravan onto the car I broke my hip. I have been recuperating since. I now can walk again and do most things I could do previously, although a bit slower. Interestingly, I had NO pain other than the initial pain and upon awakening I was swamped with aN enormous amount of heat that stayed with me for about three days and no more pain. I put it down to drawing on the group energy we do in class, it also helped me with a fast recovery.
• John for Lightmaster
Dear Steve & Barbara I thought you’d enjoy this. When you and I did a reading in January, you told me my boyfriend could become a magical partner for me if he got over his fear. I doubted that would ever happen or that he was the right one for me for the long-term. He proposed after the first session of the New Expression of Love course. That was a very powerful course! Thanks to you and the Group for opening my eyes to a good man I took for granted and for whatever shifted in him to transform his long-standing fear of commitment. Big hugs and blessings to you both
• L for New Expression of Love
Dear Steve, Barbara and the Group,
LM2019 is my first Light Master year, and it has been a wonderful year for me to participate. I like the activations that we receive, as well as scattershot and breathing exercises. I especially enjoy the personal style that Steve is sending across, my experience is that Steve as speaking directly to me, I can look into his eyes and connect with the group, and he/the group look into my eyes. This very personal style suits me very well, and is unique. It makes LM a very personal experience for me, which I appreciate. I will recommend participating in the LM program very much. Thank you for a LM 2019 year that has been an important experience for growth in my life. I look forward to more in LM2020.
• Nina for Lightmaster
This coming year will be my 4th in the LightMaster course. I re-enroll each year because as a Master of the Light I need guidance and cutting-edge information on how best to use my capabilities. There is so much going on in our world today that bombards our energies causing us to shut down when the opposite is needed. I want to use my energies in the most potent way possible. The LightMaster course personally keeps me on track and nourishes me! The nourishment is so important.
• Yvonne for Lightmaster
It’s so difficult to come up with one paragraph to explain what the LightMaster course has meant for me. As I complete my 8th year with Steve and the group, I’ve been reviewing my experience and trying to come up with a brief summary of how these teachings have impacted me. How do I express in just a few words the profound difference this energy and information has had on my life? I feel like my decision to join the LightMaster group was not really a ‘decision’ at all. It was more like a ‘calling’, like I didn’t really have a choice. I ‘needed’ to do this for myself. Like for many of us, life hasn’t been what I would call easy, but having the information, teachings, activations and connection every week with Steve and the group has helped me to remain grounded and more stable through all of it. They are my ‘go-to’ every week to help me to see and to experience my life from a different perspective – from a different point of view. I can’t even imagine where I would be without their support and love. I feel like I have a purpose here, like I belong, which has not always been a normal feeling for me. I also like knowing that the work I do with this special group of people – the LightMasters – makes a difference in the world. I am a different, much better human being because of the LightMaster group and for that I will be forever grateful.
• Linda for Lightmaster
I have been blessed to have been part of the Lightmaster group for 6 years and it is still a highlight of my week. The work has grown with the students, evolving each year into greater depth of spiritual truths and higher frequencies so that we never feel that there is repetition. I love knowing this is helping me to evolve into a light body and I can definitely feel there are shifts in my energy field that have created more happiness and joy in my life. I know that the healing days are beneficial for me and there is a feeling that I carry that this work will take us to the next level of our physical and spiritual evolvement. Come and help create the light we need on this planet!
• Barbara for Lightmaster
I have been in the Lightmaster course since the fall of 2014. At first I wondered whether this course taught by the Group would be ‘way over my head’ and hard to follow but boy, was I wrong. Following the classes each week gave me a sense of my purpose in this world, as from time to time we would direct our energies to current issues happening around the world and in our universe. No class ever disappointed as we all continued to expand our torus and connect to the Matrix, filling it with love and receiving in return. Each activation and imprint had a lasting effect on me and I would try to repeat them whenever I could get the time. It is a gathering I look forward to every week and wish in my heart to continue to participate with each new semester. Love all you Lightmasters out there!
• Kathy for Lightmaster
It’s hard to believe I’m almost at the end of my second year of LightMasters. Every week, I look forward to our class. I love the sense of community, which is palpable. The information is always new & allows us to not only reach our highest potential, but also assist our Earth. I cannot imagine life without my weekly LightMaster “fix.” I’m looking forward to all that will be offered in 2020. If you having trouble making a decision, I’d like to encourage you to jump off the fence and join us. It will be the best decision you will make for yourself!
• Nancy for Lightmaster
I have enjoyed the classes. My favorite classes were Heartlight network charging your hands, the magic of threes, valentines day special body charge and energy exchange the gift. I’m am extremely interested in the teachings of the Esayoto as well. I also appreciated the opportunity to connect with everyone through the heart light network. Many thanks to you Barbara, Meg, your team and the group for all you do for the wellbeing of planet. I appreciate all your hard work and the passion and creativity you put into all your ventures!
• Gratefully, Rebecca for Lightmaster
Dear Steve and Barbara,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work. The teachings you have provided have saved my life four times.
Love to you both.
• Henny and Siggi for ESPAVOtv
I did the LightMaster 2018 course with Steve – what an amazing year it was. It felt so good to be learning new things every week, building on past learning and growing all the way. There were a couple of things that didn’t resonate with me, but as always, with the group, if it’s not right that’s fine. however there were many quite amazing things that totally did – multidimensionality and time travel being the icing on the cake. I also loved the work we did as a whole with the earth – felt so powerful, and good to be doing something so positive. I would totally recommend this course for anyone who wants to make a big shift. For anyone who wants to make a big shift, and can feel the pull in their heart as I did, this is absolutely just what you need.
• Jaqui for Lightmaster
Dear Steve & the Group, I didn’t know exactly what to expect from LightMasters 2018. As always, I followed my heart’s lead, and I am so thankful I did. Throughout the year, I had many, many emotional hits that always tells me that I’m in the right place at the right time. One of my favorite quotes is, “Truth isn’t truth out of timing.” This has always resonated deeply with me. 2018 was the prefect time for me to join LightMasters. The information shared can’t be found elsewhere.
Being involved with a group of like-minded people weekly isn’t possible in my location. The sense of community is palpable. I especially like being a part of the work to help heal Mother Earth & her children. LightMasters has helped me embrace my 5 Words: Wake Up ~ Take Your Power! I feel loved, honored, and proud to be considered a Master of the Light! Can’t wait to move forward into LightMaster 2019. If this feels right to you, join us. You absolutely won’t regret it.
Much gratitude to my fellow Masters of the Light, Steve, Barbara, the Group, & the Espavo Staff for all you do to make me feel a part of something incredibly specialand important!
• Nancy for LightMaster
Dear Steve, Thank you for leading such an action-packed year for LightMasters. It amazes me when I take a class, just how much we, as LightMasters have gotten in advance. I’m really looking forward to next year! Stepping up!! Thanks so much for all you do…
• May for LightMaster
I have to tell you this. I have been doing the seed activation for healing of my 11 dimension, and as a person who did a lot of dream exercises in the 80’s to walk with consciousness through my dreams, the journey inside my dreams is amazing. I am up to having met 5 of my selves in other dimension (one of which is a male) and I am learning how to go into another one of my selves body in the dream time. We are like the broken team, a dream revealed and I am aware of the outside presence of others beyond the 5 that I cant ‘see’ yet.)
From here I will travel to the course Stopping the Aging process, and reversing the aging process.. and that is what I wanted to share. Just now I was listening to Septembers Virtual Light Cast (2018) and when it got all the way to the very last segment of you and Barbara giving your closing statements. I crawled back into bed to listen from there.
In my observations as we get older our voices age with us. Our youthful voices get replaced by the sounds of a voice where the phlegm has not moved as fluid as once upon a time it did. So I was listening to you talk (without seeing you) when I heard what I thought was another man in the room talking, and he sounded like he was about 30 years old. Then it went back you talking, then back to him. And at very end of the closing statements the thought occurred to me what I was hearing was the effects of seed activation for reversing the aging process taking place within you, and showing up in your voice sounding like you were about 30 years old.
I am looking forward, through time, being witness to the materialization of all we came to achieve as I have been dreaming that we would be morphing into luminesse much lighter bodies for 15 years now, and with these seed activation’s it is like I have finally came into the place where I have joined with people of like mind (like I am no longer the person seeing into the future that it is going to happen and traveling there alone, but have arrived and found others of like mind have arrived also, and just like in my dreams there were others who had already crossed the finish line.) which is something you also shared that we have come into the time where the new path is about joining our energies as a collective.
Native American prophecy says, “And in the end it was as it was in the beginning, and it was beautiful” (that is my role, to move upon the heart of my people). In light and love and laughte…
• Destiny, for for the Spirit Seed Multidimensional Healing and Spirit Seed: Rejuvenation
I just finished listening to the recording and can honestly say the timing for a re-listen was spot on. I got even more out of it this time around. And I must say I really appreciate your smooth presentation–in terms of mannerism, style, and backdrop. You were very patient and pleasant. I look forward to catching your recordings and hope you’ll place me on your email list.
• Dr. Laura, for Spirit Seed: Rejuvenation
Dear Steve, Barbara and all the wonderful staff of Espavo: I would like to thank you for the light master course I followed – and will attend again – during 2018. I am a healer myself, but cannot emphasise enough on the importance of the information, councelling and teaching you give us through the group. It greatly enhances my healing sessions, provides with profound new techniques and understanding for both the healer and the person seeking healing. It has be often times a rough ride so far, but the priceless information we receive in the light master course assisted in moving on and forward, and we are never alone, my fellow light masters are here for us – sending us their light and their love, we form a chain of light. I am that I am and proud to be a light master – assisting mother earth and all her beings during these times of transformation and ascension. With love and light to all yours…
• Dagmar, for LightMaster

Thank you for a wonderful year in Lightmaster. I live in a remote area and do not have access to a spiritual community of like minded souls. Lightmaster gave me a wonderful connection to a family of Lightworkers all over the world. I was delighted by the variety of topics covered and always surprised to learn something wonderful every week. I am happier, more ready to share my smile of spiritual confidence, and more connected to the Earth and my work here.
I grateful for all the time and effort you put into giving us such a high quality experience every week. You work hard for us, Steve, and never flag in your enthusiasm.
Can’t wait to join Lightmaster 2019!
Love and blessings,
• Lynne, for LightMaster
Steve and Barbara,
This is Jim again, I wanted to let you know that when I watched the August ‘Prediction, Comments & Questions’ I about dropped when you included my comment and had a good laugh. I was in a somewhat depressed state of mind for roughly a month—just couldn’t shake it off.
When you added my comment I literally had chills (energy) run through me. This slapped me right upside the head and broke my depression as if I was struck by a bolt of lightning.
I actually started rewriting ‘Botex the Celestial Karma Adjuster’ (metaphysical humor). This unedited book sat on my shelf for nearly a decade and I’m happy to say I’m up to chapter 12 already.
Thanks for the shot in the arm! Ha, just to let you know; in the early 1980’s I started using a guitar tuning fork in an unusual manner. I would smack the tuning fork on my knee and place it to the crown of my head. It wasn’t until the late 1990’s that I heard about pineal tuning, I just thought it felt neat. Who knows, maybe I’m a member of the family of ‘E’ after all….
Be well, Espavo
• Jim Burns, Tiffin, Ohio
I am on the 3rd seed activation and wanted to answer the question which was hardest to give or receive… but first I wanted to share a dream from the 80’s because what I discovered was so amazing (I dont know if this is the right place to answer the question in the sesson) “The Dream lasted for several months each time I found myself in it (back in the 80’s) I would have push forward deeper into the dream to find its meaning… across the waters and onto the island, down the dirt road into the church with the bell tower, up the spiral stairs I ran with the man in the black cloak (my lifelong nightmare) chasing me.
It was the bell tower that I ran into with those windows like they are, and searching for another room I would find another doorway to hide behind… except that last time, as I ran to my hiding space I saw an African woman sitting on a chair weeping like I have never seen someone weep so hard before (my own life was hard, being a person of vision and always thinking if I told anyone my visions they would lock me away and throw away the key) I did not weep for myself.. but this little African woman she was weeping like I have never seen anyone weep before.
So I went to her, sat down beside her. I knew the man in the dark cloak was coming for me, but I simply could not bear that she had been made to suffer so hard that her tears were inconsolable and even though she was not aware that I had sat down beside her and was holding her inside her tears, I sat there as I watched the dark cloaked man walk through the door.. and seeing me he began gliding towards me and took a position behind my back.
I could see him as he reached into his cloak and knew I was going to die sitting there holding the African woman who was so unconsolable she was not even aware I was holding her..
and then
and then
he reached into his cloak
and instead of pulling out his blade
he pulled out a scroll
and with a flip of his wrist
it unrolled
and he began to read
a poem over me..
and by the end of the poem I knew I was being told I had now overcome prejudice..
My greatest difficulty in (all) the session has been seeing into the worlds of my alternate me’s. In the session I had to look over and seeing a dark spot I headed for it with my hands of light and pour my love and healing there without seeing who it was.
Then in the next part where I was the receiver, the one who came, came bearing the smell of chocolate baking. It was so divine and I could smell her coming from the moment the invitation was sent. Again I could not see through her eyes into her world but I followed the instructions, shut my inner eyes and pointed to the place for healing.
In the session when it came time to open my inner eye, I looked over to the one I had given the healing too, saw that she was wearing a pink and purple paisley tear drop dress and when I grabbed her hand I realize she was the African woman in my dreams from the 80’s….
• Destiny for Spirit Seed – Multidimensional Healing
Hello Steve and Barbara, First of all apologies for not writing sooner – I went away the day after the last course and only just came back. I first heard about you years ago, when I was drawn to your book Re-member. Not only did the book open my mind and heart but it led to many many magical moments. My higher self or guides used it to communicate with me. I would read the book and then felt I had to stop. No matter how much I wanted to carry on, I would find I couldn’t. Then a few days would go by, and something would come up, a question. Next thing I know, I would pick up your book, turn the page and the answer would be there. Since then I have been on your mailing list and read your monthly beacons of light but it was the first time I attended a course with you. Huge thanks for enabling us to pay by instalments. Like many other people, I have done a gazillion courses and read many books over the last 20 years. Just like I remember your book as being instrumental in my spiritual development, I will always remember the dimensional healing course as the one that really transformed my view of my own existence and of the phrase “you are never alone”. The course was moving and I got so much out of it. I can’t wait to see what develops over the next 21 days. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
• Sandra A for Spirit Seed – Multidimensional Healing
Thank you Thank you! and Thank you! Today’s Path, Passion, Purpose brought so much together for me. There has been something I have felt I was tracking inside, a golden nugget. Timing is always perfect as I had what I call a cellular clearing house yesterday, one of many, sorta messy and the outcomes are always expansion and allows more of me to be remembered. Thank you. You and the Group touched me today. Well, you do every class as tears well up when I hear you and the group. I have been working on stepping up and out with my joy and offerings to other humans. Has been challenging until I let go of linear and started bouncing around from page to page writing new website info. When you spoke about paths I found the mental quiet. And also remembered how my mother mare suggested yesterday I was favoring mental rather than Heart. So sending a big thank you, to you both. This maybe a challenge to read. I am LIT UP! I am so very grateful and the only thing I know to do with this is go ground in Nature. I just felt to express my, again, beyond the words, gratitude and appreciation to you, Barbara and the Group. And Ellrah (spelling) I have grand deep lighter feelings bubble up when I hear and feel him. Bursts of laughter with tears of Joy flowing. Gosh, such a love, and so much more in the sense of feelings. Espavo dear Steve!
• Vicki for Lightmaster
Dear Keeper and the Keeper’s keeper Spirit Seed Healing…..What an awesome class. I feel it is the best yet. I too was really tired after the physical healing session, and that continued through the emotional and mental. I just couldn’t get motivated to do anything that I would normally want to do. I just gave my body permission to take the time to relax and integrate and forget about what I “should” do. I had to re-listen to the physical healing session because the first time through I became so sleepy I think I missed a lot. I am going to go through each one again. Thank you so much to Steve and the Group for bringing this class to us. I think it will be life changing! I can’t wait to see what is coming!! Love and ligh
• Barbara Noel for Spirit Seed Healing
Have experienced Day 2 and 3, and my expectations have been exceeded! Awesome, already these tools are helping me. Was on the street today and beginning to feel skittish around the rush hour traffic and people, and was able to transcend! Also huge reduction of hot flashes that come with anxiety and palpitations. Wow! Much gratitude to Merlia and the whole Team at Espavo.
• Hellen for Transcendence 2
Wow! This course is a life changing experience. Very Highly recommend for anyone considering jumping in!
• Alaya for Conscious Ascension
What a Magnificent Opportunity LightMasters is. I thought I was joining to be of service to the earth, people, etc. But even more, what I found is that Steve and the Group and fellow LightMasters have been of significant service to ME! I can see the changes in myself over the past year, and wish everyone could participate in this beautiful gathering of spirits. Each week offers another amazing adventure into subjects I am fascinated with – along with frequent activations and touching in with like-minded hearts. I set aside each Thursday morning with great anticipation of the class to come. This is where I was meant to be – and I am grateful for these teachings and the facebook groups that allow me to share with others – from all over the globe! It gives me a true sense of one-ness with people I would not otherwise be able to connect with. What a blessing LightMasters is. Much love,
• May
Hi Dear Angel In Human Form… I just finished LM 1814 & LM 1815 and feel SEEN, LOVED, EMPOWERED, AND COMPASSIONATE FOR ALL. Your JOURNEY LIGHTMASTER TRAININGS are bringing back so many Wonderful Memories, bringing me Peace in the “face of chaos” leaving my heart wide open with compassion and forgiveness for ALL as well as for myself. I just finished my first year training in a program entitled YOUR YEAR OF MIRACLES in conjunction with My first year of LIGHTMASTER TRAINING and these two REMINDERS FROM HOME complement each other which has Lightened My Countenance to See Our Beautiful Earth and all of her Inhabitants through the eyes of GRATITUDE AND LOVE in spite of “all other appearances” to the contrary. I am continuing on with both of these yearly trainings and feel Gratitude Beyond Measure. Your Divine Work continues to lift my heart and reminds me to Live In The Now within my Heart And Trust in Hope and to Know that Miracles are where I choose to abide and Radiate to All. Love You and Barbara Dearly, Andi Glenn
• Andie For LightMaster
My name is Jacoba Akazawa and I live in Kyoto, Japan. It has been an amazing ride for me this year, so many things have happened.. Thank you so much Steve for being the go between and creating this miraculous web of shining lights around the globe.. In fact Steve, the work you and Barbara have achieved so far has kept me going for so many years now and I am now looking forward to the future 🙂 Thank you.
• Jacoba
Your information was just what I needed. I was a little hesitant to try something new, but I am so happy to have taken your course online. Much Thanks for what you do.
• Brian
Thank you Steve and The Group from my most humble heart for my reading of Personal Session with you and The Group today. It will all take a while to sink in I know, my searching and waiting for the right person and the right reading was worth all these years as I have wanted to speak with Spirit.
• Suzie
I have always enjoyed your work and now since I spent the 12-12-12 event with you, I feel very connected to all that you are helping us to remember. Love Elrah, the Time Keeper and the group! Thank you for any insights you might share with me. I appreciate you!
• Juliet
I would just like to heartfully thank Steve, Barbara and all who are instrumental in bringing forward to these wonderful channellings. For us to take this knowledge into our own hearts and re-member who we truly are. We do forget so very easily, but each month we re-reminded by Spirit just how brightly we all shine. We are honored by The Group……thank you, thank you all.
• Carmen
Thank you so much for this information. I will take it in use immediately. Love and greetings from Holland.
• Zoiac
I love the online courses you are providing. I found them every easy to understand with such a powerful message. Thanks again.
? Mark
Thank you for yesterdays “thought of day” on expectations It was a break thru for me.
• Barbara Sue Smith
If you are ‘sitting on the fence’ like I was 3 years ago as whether or not to join LightMasters, don’t! I have been given so much information and techniques as how to nurture myself and utilize my energies to help those around me. I truly don’t know where my head would have been the past few years without this course. I am now in my passion and loving it!
• Yvonne
Following the LightMaster courses from Steve allow me to strengthen myself. I become more flexible towards the world around me and I am more able to provide accurate answers to my environment. This allow me also to have a more indepth reflection on the world around me. Steve and the Group helps me becoming a better person, for myself, for people around me and for Mother Earth in general.
• Jean-Philippe
I feel a part of this wonderful Family of E now more than ever after taking the Lightmaster course. It is indeed a priviledge to be able to assist Mother Earth in her transition in this way. Many thanks and many blessings,
• Liz
Thank you for giving us such beautiful courses of “Transcendence” and “Conscious Ascension”, and of course this “LightMaster Course” during a period of this massive change. I am also looking forward to seeing the lightmasters at the Earth Summit in Sedona. You and the group’s energy help me stabilize and let me concentrate on who I am.
• Emiko
Wow !!! And more Wow! Thank you so much Steve, Barbara and everyone else involved in Paths 2 Empowerment & for creating the space and the possibility for such incredible information and abundance of support and energies for us. I am blown away by the appropriateness of these messages. I feel supported and blessed. Thank you for your love and courage. I honour you.
• Sue
The most important message I received from the group in the private session I had with Steve was that I have to trust my own gut feeling more. I need to have more confidence and trust in the path I’m taking. Thank The Group and all of you!
• Li
LightMaster 317 was the most powerful and inspirational message I have ever experienced. I cannot wait for 2015, I feel it is going to be a blowout year. I am truly grateful for our journey together. Thank you
• John
Thank you for your warm message. I felt so good to see the picture of you. I feel totally new energy. Thank you for coming back and I hope to see you in person in Holland in the future.
• Yvonne
Barbara, Thank you for sharing such a wonderful, tender story. Its is so important to remember to always be in the now. We should be free of stress altogether. Love you both in a very simple way. Thanks you.
• Biby
Dear Lightworkers, Thank you very much for spreading beautiful knowledge around the world!
• Maia
I met Steve 9 years ago during a private session. He gave me several predictions which were hard to believe that time but all have came true! Also that I would meet a new partner in Very short time. I Did and I am still together with this partner. Thank you!
• Edith
I must truly be Home here. I was called to this wonderful place/website just last summer while looking into why I may be experiencing some symptoms that were happening to me.. Although I believe I had been Awakening in small pieces these were very Profound and couldn’t be ignored.. A Wake Up Call. Although I go through periods of times that I don’t feel the need to check in, whenever I visit here there is always something that tells me this is Home. It is usually a sentence that is worded almost exactly in a way that I have either said to myself, asked, or just felt.. One time it was “Putting a Crystal on your path..” Well, my Son is Spirituality Autistic and I’ve always thought of him as a “Crystal” Child, also I was just beginning to learn about the healing properties of Crystal’s and stones and such. There have been more Re-member points, but this time in each post there was a sentience that I feel I know already if that makes sense.. The puzzle piece though was very Profound as I used to love puzzles as a child and they were one of my families weekly time together, lol. We had “Puzzle” Night. Then of course with my son and the autism Puzzle piece.. I know it’s more of course. He is who we are supposed to be, in my heart at least. I felt that it was important to share this comment so I hope it must hold significance to others as well. Thank you for being here and slowing me to find a little part of Home again. With Love and light.
• Atreea
When I listen to Steve and the group, I feel respected and empowered. I know that the information is available, and I decide when and how I process it and include it in my life. The group’s messages are always loving and considerate. We are a team, the lightmasters and the group. The fact that I have been studying with teachers from the other side of the veil has helped me gain more confidence in times of trouble. There is life on many levels, in many dimensions. There are lightmasters on many levels and in many dimensions. Espavo.
• Eva
Thank you again for all your hard work with these helpful video activations you offer. I look forward to the next class.
• Alice
I wanted to personally Thank you All for your excellent guided meditations and very helpful video activation / channelings. I love this part! Very Effective! Thank you again.
• Mark
Thank you Steve, Barbara and the team. Wow! This was a very emotional segment for me and I thank you for sharing.
• Nancy
Steve – you get clearer and clearer every time I see you and Barbara. You are both glowing with radiant beauty and health!
• Martha
The latest channeling above is very clear and beautiful. Thank you. My love to you all.
• Elis