The VirtualLight Broadcast
March 2016 Segment 1
The VirtualLight Broadcast Live three hour monthly internet broadcast on Lightworker TV. The broadcast is in six segments, hosted by Steve and Barbara Rother of www.espavo.org and includes the interviews from Sandra Sedgbeer with the top people in the spiritual arena.
Steve and Barbara welcome us to the month of March by announcing their 20 year anniversary of the VirtualLight Broadcast. The VLB started on February 15, 1996 and has been going out over the internet every month since. Thank you for all your support!
This is the 20th anniversary channel.
The VirtualLight Broadcast
March 2016 Segment 2
Sandie Sedgbeer interviews Nancy Myers
Raised in a traditional blue collar family in the Midwest, Nancy Myers always felt different from the rest of her family. A lifelong fascination with the spiritual gifts of communication that some people seem to possess, coupled with a deep inner knowing that there is more to life than making a living and raising a family, fueled a hunger to know more about life after death.
In January of 2010, Nancy and her family were devastated by the sudden and unexpected tragedy of her son Robbie’s untimely passing, just days before his 28th birthday, verifying an awful premonition Nancy had had years before that she would lose her son at the age of 27.
Following a series of vivid dreams, during which Robbie visited his mother, Nancy sought answers and solace from two world-renowned mediums, both of whom reported that not only was Robbie endeavoring to communicate with Nancy; he was also adamant that he and his mother would soon start working together, using the phenomenon of Orbs, to bring comfort to the grieving and proof of “life after death” to the grieving.
Those messages, and the sudden appearance of orbs in Nancy’s photographs catapulted Nancy on a spiritual journey that has not only resulted in the capture of thousands of orbs in photographs, but also led to her becoming a sought after Orb Medium, known for her uncanny ability to accurately interpret what she sees in many of the orbs she photographs around people.
Nancy’s son Robbie has told her through many afterlife communications that have taken place since, that orbs are here to unequivocally demonstrate that life continues even after the body dies. Hence, our loved ones never really leave us but are always just a thought away. Nancy’s purpose as an Orb Medium, and in telling her story in Entering the Light Fantastic: Discovering Life After Life Through Orbs and creating this website is to share this phenomenon in the hope that it will bring comfort to those in the grip of grief, and to perhaps awaken others to their own spiritual journeys as well.
Website: www.theorbconnection.com
The VirtualLight Broadcast
March 2016 Segment 3
Sandie Sedgbeer interviews Debra Silverman
Debra Silverman, is a celebrated clinical psychologist and astrologer with decades of experience working with all kinds individuals from all walks of life. Her teaching is based in a belief that the best way to understand the human condition is through the wisdom provided to us by the elders. She advises her clients to go into self-inquiry using the four elements. The Missing Element: Compassion for the Human Condition fuses this approach along with her knowledge of psychology and spirituality. The resulting book discusses human nature succinctly and with compassion.
Silverman’s work has resonated widely and she has built a remarkable international practice with clients that include Sting and Madonna. The Missing Element provides practical tools for everyone to connect with their authentic self and figure out how they can make a difference in the world through their communities, families, or on a global level.
A key part of the book focuses on finding and learning about the most unloved parts of who we are and how to use that discovery to bring about more freedom in our lives. Silverman’s approach is fresh, powerful and pragmatic. She teaches how to cultivate and activate ‘The Observer’ within and by become acquainted with the ‘Four Elements’ as they exist within all of us. Silverman illustrates her ideas with storytelling and real-life examples of people living out their elements in big ways!
Over the past 37 years of professional experience and private practice, she has specialized in helping thousands of individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: water, air earth, and fire. Her work with families, individuals, and couples has her standing out in a sea of therapists and coaches.
Websites: https://debrasilvermanastrology.com
The VirtualLight Broadcast
March 2016 Segment 4
Sandie Sedgbeer interviews Blake D. Bauer
Blake D. Bauer is an internationally recognized author, counselor, and alternative medicine practitioner. His bestselling book You Were Not Born To Suffer and pioneering work center on loving yourself unconditionally as the key to healing yourself, fulfilling your life’s purpose, and realizing your full potential both personally and professionally.
Based on his training with spiritual teachers, healers, and masters from all over the world, Blake practices and teaches various forms of meditation, qi gong, qi gong energy medicine, and dao yin (a health and longevity yoga). Blake’s formal education also includes traditional Chinese medicine, five-element Chinese medicine, nutritional medicine, herbal healing, psychology, past life regression therapy-hypnosis, and various other forms of traditional healing and alternative medicine.
Bringing together the most effective spiritual practices and holistic approaches to health and wellbeing, Blake’s work and teachings have successfully guided thousands of people internationally toward greater psychological, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual freedom.
Website: www.Unconditional-SelfLove.com
The VirtualLight Broadcast
March 2016 Segment 5
Alison Chester-Lambert
Astrologer Alison Chester-Lambert describes what the planets are doing in March and how we can `go with the flow` and increase our cosmic harmony. Since there is a pile up of planets in Pisces, a Solar and Lunar eclipse and an Equinox all in one month, it is good to get informed on how to get the best out of the prevailing astrological `weather`. Alison also describes what the Equinox is actually all about, both physically and spiritually.
Website: AlisonChesterLambert.com
Meg Adamson-Gour
In this segment Meg talks about making “getting inspired” part of our daily routine and sacred ritual.
Learning to “turn on your Lightline” everyday may just make the difference between wanting something and being something.
We are all broadcasters, but broadcasters of wisdom or broadcasters on autopilot refurbishing stale words for the regular hum of unconscious observation are two very different frequencies.
Tap into that information highway that is uniquely you and be an Agent for Change, now…..
Website: www.MegAdamson.net
The VirtualLight Broadcast
March 2016 Segment 6
Barbara Rother gathers the energy for the live channel as we celebrate our 20th anniversary on the VirtualLight Broadcast.
Steve delivers a channel and a powerful message from the group.
Each segment is 25 minutes long You are free to distribute this information in any form with the understanding that all copyrights including translation copyrights remain with Espavo. We only ask that you do not market it directly. If you like a segment feel free to place it on your own site you can write to us for the embed code for your own site. Write to the Producer of the VirtualLight Broadcast for details. This is offered as a family connection from Espavo.
POBox 34838
Las Vegas, NV 89133
+1 702 871 3317
Copyright 1996-2015 Espavo. The files on this page are copyrighted but may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided Espavo is given credit and espavo.org is mentioned. Websites are encouraged to use or link to these files, permission is not needed, but we appreciate being notified. Further information from the group may be found at: https://www.espavo.org or through Espavo at (702) 871 3317. Espavo is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading Light through empowerment.
Thanks for helping to spread the Light!