The VirtualLight Broadcast September 2012 Segment 1
Steve Rother and Charmaine Lee~ Sept 2012
- Announcements and update on Barbara
- 12-12-12 and Geoff Hoppe
- Individuals from The Group are coming in more
- More about Elrah
- Free webinar on website under “Direct Light”
- Wave of energy culminating on 12-12-12
Meg – Skype
- Light Master courses
- Your thoughts = your immune system
- “Dancing in the shadow of the Moon” Michelle Wright
- Bridging gap between spiritual and physical well being
Charmaine –
- You decide whatever it is that you want to become your reality
- The information that comes to us, comes from within us not outside of us
- It’s time to amplify who you are
Steve & Barbara Rother
Website: www.espavo.org
The VirtualLight Broadcast September 2012 Segment 2
Sandie interviews Marlise Karlin ~ Sept 2012
- Marlise tells her story
- About addictions
- What we believe is what we create in our lives
- Her definition of Energy ofPeace
- We are a source of great truth
- Story about awakenings in Africa
- Reluctant hairdresser’s metamorphosis into health.
- Stillness Sessions with music activate connection to Peace experience
- Breathe deeply when you feel disconnected to reconnect
- Stillness Session meditation exercise
- A little about Marlise’s book and The Power of Peace in You course
The VirtualLight Broadcast September 2012 Segment 3
Sandie interviews Olivia Roberts ~ Sept 2012
- Olivia’s experience with deep searing pain
- Her experience led her to study Pharmacology, Psychotherapy, and then NLP
- Explanation of how your thoughts can cause pain and disease as well as eliminate them
- Rewriting the past to overcome present day problems
- Retrospective rehearsals
- Resolution Magic Program
The VirtualLight Broadcast September 2012 Segment 4
Sandie interviews Geoff & Linda Hoppe ~ Sept 2012
- The Crimson Circle, Tobias and Adamus
- Do we really have Free Will?
- Changes brought about by Adamus
- Ancestral biology
- It’s time to accept your own body (integrate your light body) – we don’t need to be a bi-product of our ancestors anymore
- Most shocking relevation from Adamus
- There’s more energy available now than ever before
- If there’s anything you would really like to do, do it now
- How we can learn to trust ourselves more
- What’s next? We’re going to go quantum!
The VirtualLight Broadcast September 2012 Segment 5
Steve Rother with Geoff & Linda Hoppe ~ Sept 2012
- Happy Birthday to Geoff and surprise call from Barbara Rother
- Beginnings in the Kryon chatroom for Steve and Geoff
- More about what to expect at the 12-12-12 event in Scottsdale
- What it’s like channeling Adamus
- Living ascension
- Get good at making mistakes. If you don’t have failures, you’re not living large
- Barbara’s miracle of will power
- BeyondTheProphecies.com has launched
The VirtualLight Broadcast September 2012 Segment 6
~ Beacons of Light and CJ Carl~ Sept 2012
CJ Carl: Stop living by default. Release the mold. Get off the rail. Making choices is the key to living and ascension.
From Steve:
What can I say? Except to say that after 17 years of channeling the group in a collective voice I am now experiencing them as what they call a singularity. If my brain ever stopped to think about it I’m sure it would block me. Nonetheless, the depth of information and love is absolutely undeniable. I hope you enjoy them as much as I am.
Since many will be reading these words you may not know the accents that I use to channel these beings. The Keeper of Time is a more comfortable with English but Elrah’s enthusiasm and excitement makes it difficult for me to focus at time but I am adjusting. Even as they talk about incarnations it is helpful to remember that none of the group with the exception of myself have ever been to Earth. The accents, especially in the case of Elrah, are my closest interpretations of the distinct rhythms that they use to communicate and don’t originate from a geographical location..
It is time for a deeper understanding of all the layers. Here we go.
Have a wonderful month and may you experience life with your eyes open.
Big hugs
The Beacons of Light September 2012
Welcome Elrah and the Keeper of Time
The Becons of Light – Re-minders from Home September 2012
Each segment is 25 minutes long You are free to distribute this information in any form with the understanding that all copyrights including translation copyrights remain with Espavo. We only ask that you do not market it directly. If you like a segment feel free to place it on your own site you can write to us for the embed code for your own site. Write to the Producer of the VirtualLight Broadcast for details. This is offered as a family connection from Espavo.
POBox 34838
Las Vegas, NV 89133
+1 702 871 3317
Copyright 1996-2015 Espavo. The files on this page are copyrighted but may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided Espavo is given credit and espavo.org is mentioned. Websites are encouraged to use or link to these files, permission is not needed, but we appreciate being notified. Further information from the group may be found at: https://www.espavo.org or through Espavo at (702) 871 3317. Espavo is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading Light through empowerment.
Thanks for helping to spread the Light!
Copyright 1996-2015 Lightworker. The files on this page are copyrighted but may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part, provided Lightworker is given credit and espavo.org is mentioned. Websites are encouraged to use or link to these files, permission is not needed, but we appreciate being notified. Further information from the group may be found at: https://www.espavo.org or through Lightworker at (702) 871 3317. Lightworker is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading Light through empowerment.
Thanks for helping to spread the Light!