Welcome to Espavo

Welcome to Espavo

Myself and the Board of Directors, along with the entire staff of Espavo welcome you. We hope that you find an empowering experience of family here. If you are returning… Welcome Home.

The word ESPAVO came from an early series of channels from the group known as The Amor Stories. Amor, a young man emerging into manhood in the final days of Lemuria was given a gift of this word and was asked to bring the word back into use. The word Espavo originated in the earliest days of Lemuria when life was simple and people were deeply connected. The word was used as a greeting similar to hello and goodbye, much like Aloha or Ciao. Translated into today’s language it mean “Thank You for Taking Your Power.” We have entered the Age of Empowerment and our work is designed to help you re-member your own power. In these transitionairy times on Earth we need all of us.

We have built an experience here for you to re-member your power and are very happy that you have joined us. Below are points that you may find helpful on how to get the most out of the teachings from the group.

Espavo and Welcome Home

Steve Rother
Spokesman for the group



  1. Pleasure to resonate and I-nnect. I find I works are truly powerful and prophetic.

    ESPAVO indeed.
    I look forward to sharing more inspiration and empowerment. It is our duty to uplift each other. One soul at a time.



  2. Just discovered Steve and the Group of Angels on YouTube a few days ago. They are exactly what I’ve been looking for. I am enlightened as to who I really Am, but have needed guidance on what to do next; been needing to find my “footing” in this awakening. The advice from the Group is what I’ve needed to hear. It all rings true for me.
    I am so very grateful to have found Espavo, Steve and the Group of Angels. Love, Diane

  3. Dear Steve, Barbara and the Team
    I have been watching your programmes for a while and grateful to have discovered you.
    I run a holistic fair in Cape Town, South Africa which I feel is a stepping stone to my
    next life journey in making a difference in our community.
    I am supporting homeless and struggling entrepreneurs and am busy
    putting together a new website which I would like to call
    Espavo Cape Town. I would like your blessings in using this name as
    your ESPAVO TV was my first connection to this word, the meaning which
    so resonates with what I do now and in future.
    With love and blessing