The What Is Series: What Is Love? Beacons of Light, September 2024 ______________________________________________ Greetings from Home. We join you this day with such pride and joy, for your energy has started to change on so many levels. You're moving into the fifth dimensional reality that we have talked about for so long. Actually, you've been in this fifth dimensional reality for quite some time. But you've been using the old third dimensional rules, and the things you were taught as you grew up. As you evolve, you'll see even more possibilities than you ever dreamt possible. The main aspect of everything in life is the energy of love. Most of you still see things as up and down, right and wrong, good and bad. The reality is, you’re living in a land of polarity. But it’s all an illusion to help you play the game of pretending to be a human. It has set into motion the possibilities of the work that you're doing, so that you can see contrast. You only see us because we contrast with the background. You're accustomed to duality on so many different levels, and we're going to work a bit with that. Love What exactly is love? The reality is that you express love in so many different ways. Because you live in a field of duality, you generally perceive it as loving one person. But that's only a very limited aspect, there's so much more. Love does not know the boundaries that many of you place upon it, it's just what you were taught. We wish to take you a little further into this, and share what it looks like from our perspective. Have you ever been in love? The reality is all of you have been in love multiple times in your life. You express it in different ways. Many of you have fallen in love with a single person. You have created a relationship that is marvelous, for it allows you to walk next to someone. But the reality is, once you find love, you don't just live in love. Relationships must be continually built over time. Can you get comfortable and coast for a while? Well, in the third dimension that's quite possible. But in the fifth dimension it becomes different. Because when something stops being built, it starts to degrade. It's like a grand wave of light and love. You will love many in your lifetime, whether you express it as that or not is entirely up to you and your belief systems. If you are able to build different levels with a person in a single relationship, it becomes very magical. It's also somewhat rare. So, What Is Love? Love is when you can hold someone, or multiple people, so close that you see yourself. That may not have been what you wanted to hear. However, love is an expression of being able to see your spirit through the eyes of another. When someone looks at you and falls deeply in love, you have magic. It may only be for a fleeting time, because you live in polarity with the illusion of linear time. Know that love is not determined by the length of time you are together. Many of you have known that the Keeper was married for a very long time. Not only married, but deeply in love. Even that relationship, which would be celebrating 52 years had she not graduated and gone Home, was probably about seven different relationships with the same person during that time. That is magical, as it keeps things alive and moving in different ways. Recently the Keeper did several private sessions in which people said, “I want the relationship, but I want it with someone who has as much spirituality as I do.”Well, that might actually be rather boring. You have to wrestle with egos on your side of the veil. But that will be diminishing greatly, because as you step into the fifth dimension your ego fades. You can start to see things from the true perspective of spirit, rather than that of your ego. That’s what is surfacing now in so many different areas of human life, dealing with the egos. It was a necessary evil that ensured your survival, to be able to see things from different perspectives. Ultimately to see yourself in that way was both magical and very difficult, but now your world is changing. In duality and the lower parts of the third dimension, you understood there were two types of love: conditional and unconditional. Actually, all love is unconditional. Love has to be unconditional if it is to survive the relationship, if it is to move to that next level. What of Unconditional Love? Many times we spoke about the Keeper’s marriage. The reality is that marriage is a statement of unconditional love: “I will love you.”However, often people understand it instead to mean, “I will love you only as long as you love me back.”That suffices for the third dimension, but as you move into the fifth dimension it doesn't quite work the same way. The divorce rate on planet Earth is very high. So, how is a relationship built? One of the easiest ways to work in a relationship and build love is to tell your partner all your secrets. Tell them your deepest, darkest thoughts and see what happens. You'll start building this incredible trust that you could no other way. Although it's magical, there's so much more to it now. Third Dimensional Ego What about when a partner wants a spiritual person to walk alongside? You have to deal with these egos, so you’ll always be in competition to some degree. Often you can reach harmony, where one person's ego is here and another’s is there. As you evolve, sometimes they even trade places and that's perfect. But what happens if instead you have a gap? Well, then you start having a leaning relationship, in which one person leans upon the other. We've even heard people say, “We're going to work with this relationship. My partner is going to work with the spiritual aspects of it, so I don't have to.”That doesn't quite work, does it? When you have a leaning relationship one person moves forward and the other person falls. Dare to find a harmony, release your expectations, and just allow yourself to fall in love with who they are in this very moment. Many people on planet Earth have fallen into these relationships where they feel someone has great potential. They say, “I have hope that in a year or two, we'll be doing all of this.”Of course, this never works because then you are moving into the role of being their teacher. You can either be their teacher or their lover, but generally trying to be both doesn’t work. So, just fall in love. Jealousy Is a Third Dimensional Reality Almost all humans experience jealousy to some degree, and it’s a lower vibration. Again, it is because you have to deal with the ego. The ego has a lot to do with how you express love. Do you think that spirit, those of us from the other side of the veil, love you conditionally? No, not at all. The reality is you even have guides who sit on your shoulder. Many of you have even asked their names, so you can call them something. The reality is these are the spirits who love you enough to watch you make all the mistakes. They're telling you, “Turn right, turn right,” and then they watch you as you turn left. But they love you just the same and they're still there for you. That is unconditional love. When it comes to relationships, is it possible that you love someone enough to let them go? Yes, that is one of the greatest forms of love. When you actually reach that level, you can decide. “We have reached the end of our relationship. Are we going to build it further, or are we going to let it go?”What if you have fallen in love with someone else? Can I let you go in love and be thankful for the energy that I’ve had with you? That is fifth dimensional love. It's a process that you're all working with right now. Yes, it's difficult and somewhat of a stretch for many humans. Even just hearing the words doesn't always land easily, but here we are. Someone Asked, “What Is Love?” What do you love to do, what brings your passions forward? That's a form of love that's completely unconditional. Even if you are unable to do it for a while you don't lose that love, you still have it. What about those of you who are just in love with humanity? When you think of the Earth, you think of her problems. If the difficulties of Earth and humanity are heavy on your heart, what if you just looked at it and fell in love with it all? That's exactly what your spirit does. Your spirit is so overjoyed to be here. Yes, we know some of you arrive on Earth, open your eyes, and think someone pushed you into this. “I don't know how I got here, I don't remember agreeing to all of this.”And yet, your spirit is saying, “Oh, this is so magical. I love being here!” Creating an Environment of Love What happens when you fall in love? You radiate it all around you, you create an environment of love and it touches everything all around you. It touches every person that is within range of those vibrations, who can hear your voice or feel your light. Fall in love, do it often. Take the conditions off and watch what happens, for it's magical. You step into the fifth dimension and start seeing things from a totally different perspective. Can you be divided, the way many humans are divided on planet Earth right now? Not if you are in love with every aspect. When someone thinks completely differently than you do, you are not either right or wrong. You're simply on a different path, that's all. You will find many things changing as you anchor more of the fifth dimensional reality in your daily life. But it does take time and we find it fascinating. The Villain If you look at your books and movies, the stories you tell each other, the really good ones always have a villain. That's an important aspect of story writing. You have the good guy and the bad guy, which equates to duality. But as you begin moving into triality, you're starting to see some fascinating things happening with your stories. The really captivating stories are the ones that build up the villain, all the nasty things that they do, and the way that they think negatively. But when you see inside the villain for just a moment, you actually fall in love with him. This is happening on a regular basis, dear ones, they are planting seeds. Fifth dimensional love is magical, but re-member there's no right or wrong with spirit. There are sometimes people who cannot feel others, yet that is changing right now. You are the pendulum that swings in both directions, as we've often spoken of. Hopefully you've reached that edge where you’ll swing back the other way into a unity consciousness. Fifth Dimensional Love Bringing love from Home allows you to be touched by your spirit all around you. No matter what you think of yourself, spirit is in love with you and so incredibly proud of you. Start falling in love with everything and anything that you can. We've mentioned this for years, look for the similarities. Find the ways you are alike rather than the ways you are different, and that dissolves the ego. It turns everything into an experience of wonder and excitement, a new experiment of love. If you start thinking about this in a different way, you'll start experiencing so much more. A fifth dimensional love is magical indeed. What if you are walking next to a person that you're building a relationship with, but they're always working. Would you love them enough to let them go? What about the person you’ve built your life with, who's dying? It will change your life drastically if they leave, and you want them to return so your life can go forward together. Do you love them enough to tell them it is okay to let go? Many of you have actually made contracts on the other side of the veil to do exactly that, and you feel it. Feel the love that we have for you, dear ones. It's more magical than you could ever understand. So, what is love? Love is a reflection of the true you. The more that you can fall in love, the more you will see possibilities all around you in every way. The Keeper has developed a habit at our suggestion. Every day when he talks with people that he loves, whether it's his son, brother, sisters, or the love of his life at the moment, he ends the conversation by saying, “I love you.”What if that was the last time that he was able to speak to them? Express your love at every opportunity. You will find yourself able to fall in love with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Love Is a Beautiful Human Experience There are no villains on planet Earth. Evil does not exist, it is only a shadow that has been created for control purposes. As you step into the fifth dimension there are no shadows, only different shades of light. There is no black and white, only shades of gray with beautiful colors in between. You know that you are magical, each and every one of you. And we hope that you feel the love that we hold for you, every moment of every day. Love yourself, dear ones. Dare to look in the mirror and instead of seeing difficulties and imperfections, just fall completely in love with every aspect of your being for just a moment. Begin each day in that way. You are creating an environment of energy all around you, which will attract more of that in your field. You will live in a field of love, of true fifth dimensional love. Practice it often and experience it where you can. Do not judge yourself if you fail, for that’s part of it as well. And if you've been playing the role of a villain, dare to love yourself and watch what happens. Keep in mind, you are the greatest angels that have ever lived. We love you in ways that you can only begin to imagine. We watch your experiences from this side of the veil. We are so incredibly proud of each and every one of you. Tag, You’re It It's a grand game of tag and you’re it! We've loved you, o pass it on and find another to love unconditionally. Tag them without needing them to love you back. Then watch what happens to your lives, as you step into the fifth dimensional reality you have created here on Earth. Welcome Home, dear ones. You are the magicians of the game board. We are the group of 9 and we love you dearly. Treat each other with respect and love. Nurture one another at every possibility and play this game together well. Yes, dare to love the villains. Espavo. The Group of 9