April 15th & 16th, 2023
Leuven, Belgium
• In Person Event
The Body Suit is a term that the group uses to explain the human condition and how to work with it.
In this new modality, the group will take us into the Body Suit and show us how it operates and how we can program it for our highest experience as a human.
The Body Suit is not your physical body.
It is the energetic body that we wear to play the game of pretending to be a human.
It runs all day on automatic pilot, making daily decisions for us and running our lives unconsciously.
In this two day event the group will explain how to program the Body Suit intentionally with specific triggers that will assist us in learning how to use it to our advantage. The group will also lead us through exercises designed to illustrate how this works and how you can program your Body Suit to live your life in higher consciousness.
This cannot be taught online.
We will explore it in depth and learn together in a community of fellow Lightworkers.
If you are a healer this modality will give you new tools to work with your clients. If you are taking it only for yourself it will give you those same tools to use in your daily life to live consciously and stop being controlled by influences around you.
We will show you the techniques that are used to influence you unconsciously and show you how to be aware of them and to use them intentionally to better your life.
In this course, you will discover some of your own implicit biases and how we can use those to set up triggers that your Body Suit will respond to.
When you learn how to set up your own triggers, your automated Body Suit becomes programed according to how you would like it to react.
We will have multiple channels both days. Since it has been several years since we have done in person events, this one is expected to include an intimate group of Lightworkers and we are excited for you to join us!
Be ready to move!
Big hugs
Steve Rother
Please note: this event will be presented in English.